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Recent content by MrTrapzy

  1. M

    Working Console ID # 8657

  2. M

    Working Console ID #8655

    thanks man!
  3. M

    Banned Console ID #8656

  4. M

    IOS 15 jailbreak will soon be released!

    i already told you that ive been asked to write news for cc. so thats what im doing, have your self a great day idrc what you posted my guy. go ahead and keep posting. but like i said ive been asked to do this, regardless on whether you posted it or not. im the actual news writer now, so its my...
  5. M

    IOS 15 jailbreak will soon be released!

    I am the news writer for consolecrunch so it’s my job here to post this, but I’m glad that you would like to update it your self as well good job buddy!
  6. M

    Sony Reveals PlayStation Now Games For January 2022

    On the 3rd of January Sony has released the games that will be available for PlayStation now! So im here to announce what those games will be! i will have the trailers posted here for you guys to take a look! Mortal Combat 11 Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Fury Unleashed Unturned...
  7. M

    IOS 15 jailbreak will soon be released!

    thanks guys <3 appreciate it!
  8. M

    IOS 15 jailbreak will soon be released!

    Hey guys today I'm here to share with you that there has been an official, non official release date of an IOS 15 jailbreak! Brightitup has announced on December, 13th. that there will be an official jailbreak released in 60 days from then! This has been a long awaited jailbreak and I'm sure...
  9. M

    January store holiday sale round 2!

    Hey guys on the 5th of this month Sony started their round 2 of game sales today and I'm here to share with with you the games that will be on sale! There's quite a list so be prepared to read them all! Unfortunately the sale ends on the 19th of this month so you need to hurry if you want to...
  10. M

    PS3 games have started appearing on the PS5 store

    Some great news has come to my attention and i would like to share it with everyone! When viewing the PlayStation store you'll notice that some ps3 games have started to appear on the store, the listings have appeared due to a recent patent release. Filed by the architect, Mark Cerny, titled...
  11. M

    Working Console ID #8632

    thank you!
  12. M

    Working Console ID #8638

  13. M

    Banned Console ID #8626

  14. M

    Banned Console ID #8626

  15. M

    Banned Console ID #8626

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