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Recent content by Psycho_Coder

  1. P

    A suggestion.

    i would like to suggest that the shoutbox should be removed. Not entirely, accessible to staff members and premium members only. The reason for this is because this will increase more communication in the forums online, more threads being made. I'm making this thread because if someone gives...
  2. P

    Why can't you do it yourself?

    Why can't you do it yourself?
  3. P

    Steam running on the PS4

  4. P

    Searching For Web Designers

    Do you know the basics of the Xenforo Syntax? Since its completely different from not PHP Syntax.
  5. P

    Searching For Web Designers

    Sure, PM me.
  6. P

    Searching For Web Designers

    Don't mind doing it for free.
  7. P

    Searching For Web Designers

    Still need someone?
  8. P

    Need any help hit me up

    Need any help hit me up
  9. P

    PS4 Jailbreak Soon?

    That's known as MFW, let's you install a modified firmware that has install package files but you can't install any packages. This is quite useless because you can't do nothing with it, but its a start.
  10. P

    Free Upgrade To Windows 10

    Not post boosting, Had a full discussion about it yesterday and today in the SB. Since I was on windows 7 I couldn't do the free upgrade due to Microsoft creation media tool being slow as hell. I thought why not boot windows 10 from a USB so I have the best of both worlds, Windows 7 and Windows...
  11. P

    Steam Games

    Holy sh*t, Imagine if you sold your steam account, £££.
  12. P

    Infinite Warfare is the best FPS Campaign of the Year

    "It seems many gamers were quick to judge Call of Duty Infinite Warfare — turns out, It’s one of the best games of this year. This video we talk about Infinite Warfare’s phenomenal campaign specifically." -- PlayStation Enthusiast SOURCE
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