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Search results

  1. Restrain

    Dell Dimension E520 blackscreen on boot

    Hey guys, My DELL dimension e520 has been dead for a while. I got tired of seeing it there, just under my desktop gathering dust. I want to bring it back to life and also because I need it for PS3 modding. So i'll get to it, A few months ago, it decided to not power on. It would prompt me a...
  2. Restrain

    [List] Global Black-List/Abusers [XBOX] [PS3]

    Reed-The-Weed On ps3, keeps abusing mods and freezing lobbies.
  3. Restrain

    Staff Position [CLOSED]

    The times are a bit rough, don't you think? :arghh:
  4. Restrain

    Check out my tutorial for GTA IV, here...

    Check out my tutorial for GTA IV, here https://consolecrunch.com/threads/hudcolour-dat-tut-health-and-armour-xbox-too.17503/
  5. Restrain

    PS3 Hudcolour.Dat (TUT) Health and Armour!! (Xbox too)

    1) Open common.rpf on Open Iv or Spark Iv. 2) Open HudColour.dat in notepad. 3) For the gun image on your screen (top right). To make this Green for example, we would edit: HUD_COLOUR_WHITE -R- -G- -B- 255 255 255 TO HUD_COLOUR_WHITE -R- -G- -B- 0 255 0 Because (of course): -R- = Red -G-...
  6. Restrain

    PS3 [RELEASE] Crunch Injector - BO2 GSC Injector

    No problem buddy, It has something to do with the GUI. I can open tools with this GUI https://gyazo.com/3bc78bad35e5b83bc0c175796a7f3db4 It looks retarded but it still works lol.
  7. Restrain

    PS3 [RELEASE] Crunch Injector - BO2 GSC Injector

    I did that, but as always, not many of them work.
  8. Restrain

    PS3 [RELEASE] Crunch Injector - BO2 GSC Injector

    Oh ok. Well, I thought it would open on my Mac..... It doesn't, so i can't use it :/
  9. Restrain

    PS3 [RELEASE] Crunch Injector - BO2 GSC Injector

    So we will freeze if we inject something?
  10. Restrain

    PS3 Bo2 1.19 injector no gsc for cex/dex

    You should give credit to the source! As these links aren't your nor from this site.
  11. Restrain


    Count me in buddy! Thanks again for helping out the PS3 modding community with public CID's, you've helped a lot! :)
  12. Restrain

    PS3 [RELEASE] Crunch Injector - BO2 GSC Injector

    It seems like he's fixing it at the moment.
  13. Restrain


    He wasn't blackmailing you to began with. You brought this upon yourself. Either way, you weren't going to get him into trouble. Although, he can very much get you into trouble for "DDoSing" which is illegal. And bringing your problems here on @Devilsdesign thread and trashing it with your...
  14. Restrain

    PS3 Method to freeze mod abusers.

    How does this belong in support? I'm not asking for help!
  15. Restrain

    PS3 Method to freeze mod abusers.

    What are the names of the objects? Please :) And as for Devils, i don't mind. Hopefully i regain admin access after my account being banned from PSN.
  16. Restrain

    PS3 Method to freeze mod abusers.

    Yes, that's what i was referring to.
  17. Restrain

    PS3 Method to freeze mod abusers.

    I wish I knew what object that was buddy :/
  18. Restrain

    PS3 Method to freeze mod abusers.

    Not with MD, you can teleport them no matter what.
  19. Restrain

    PS3 Method to freeze mod abusers.

    Well, on PS3 modders freeze each other to try and be the best modder.... Which is really annoying :/ I just attempt to join a game and play with people and have a good time until someone comes along and attempts to freeze me so they are the only modder in the lobby.
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