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Search results

  1. GamingGod

    To members who have bought Console ID's

    From godz F2867
  2. GamingGod

    In the next day or two i might buy a cid :^). So jw if you have any in stock and how much ?

    In the next day or two i might buy a cid :^). So jw if you have any in stock and how much ?
  3. GamingGod

    I want to buy teh puzzi plz b0ss

    I want to buy teh puzzi plz b0ss
  4. GamingGod

    Ended Premium Giveaway!

    ayyy b0ss giime teh premuim plz
  5. GamingGod

    GTA5 Heists OUT!

    @Younis Front page ?
  6. GamingGod

    How to change CID on 4.70 CEX with the computer (like CCAPI)?

    Yes it is..... ccapi rev2 download it from fm|t website
  7. GamingGod

    Ended Premium Accounts Giving away

    I should win because i like winning stuff :stare:
  8. GamingGod

    Need Help Finding NieR Replicant (English Patched)

    Does Any One Here Know Where I Can Find The Need Help Finding NieR Replicant (English Patched) I can find sites like this: > <Link Removed> witch have it but it's in Spanish and links are broken. :(
  9. GamingGod

    Free Custom ColdBoots For CC Premium Members

    So for all you guys that support console crunch by purchasing premium you can now get a custom coldboot (Audio & Picture) Made For you. How To Get One Made: Picture: PM Me pictures and describe what you want or you can send me a picture / logo you already have that you want to be a coldboot. (A...
  10. GamingGod

    Ended Premium Giveaway - Win Premium

    I want le premium pls pls b0ss
  11. GamingGod

    Ended FIVE 1 Month Premium Upgrade Giveaways!

    @ShutTheCrunchUp I would Like To WIn Because i like winning stuff :stare:
  12. GamingGod

    4.50 ITA Online on 4.70 (Spoof)

    You can go from rebug to 3.55 then back up to ita Or you can take the chance of going from rebug strait to ita like i do but that might cause a brick Here is a tut on how to do it easy with no usb: https://consolecrunch.com/threads/putting-firmware-on-your-hdd.11093/ Link to 3.55...
  13. GamingGod

    4.50 ITA Online on 4.70 (Spoof)

    There is no option to edit it :( ITA Spoof: http://www.mediafire.com/download/py1wc22aw1ps9t4/4.50+ITA+Spoof+.pkg ITA: http://www.mediafire.com/download/84a8qzspxs8xkwu/4.50PS3ITADEX.PUP
  14. GamingGod

    4.50 ITA Online on 4.70 (Spoof)

    Sorry, i didn't know :p
  15. GamingGod

    Hello "New Member" :trolol:

    Hello "New Member" :trolol:
  16. GamingGod

    4.50 ITA Online on 4.70 (Spoof)

    You can try it on other firmwares, i have only tested it on ita so far
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