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Free Custom ColdBoots For CC Premium Members


So for all you guys that support console crunch by purchasing premium you can now get a custom coldboot (Audio & Picture) Made For you.

How To Get One Made:
Picture: PM Me pictures and describe what you want or you can send me a picture / logo you already have that you want to be a coldboot. (A picture you got made yourself would be better so it's exactly how you want it)

Audio: PM me a link to a song on youtube and the time you want it to start (Cold boot audio only goes for 15-20 seconds

Example of a coldboot i made for someone:
i didn't do the "A" i just took the pictures the client sent me and compiled them into a coldboot :) it also has bullet train as the audio

I Will Try to get as many as i can done, but i will mostly be doing them on weekends because school & work :)

I will try to get them all done :), but if what you want me to do is unclear then it wont be done.

Limit: 2 Per Person

If you don't have premium you can buy it for as little as 3GBP here > https://consolecrunch.com/account/upgrades

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