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  1. P

    A suggestion.

    i would like to suggest that the shoutbox should be removed. Not entirely, accessible to staff members and premium members only. The reason for this is because this will increase more communication in the forums online, more threads being made. I'm making this thread because if someone gives...
  2. P

    Steam running on the PS4

  3. P

    Infinite Warfare is the best FPS Campaign of the Year

    "It seems many gamers were quick to judge Call of Duty Infinite Warfare — turns out, It’s one of the best games of this year. This video we talk about Infinite Warfare’s phenomenal campaign specifically." -- PlayStation Enthusiast SOURCE
  4. P

    The real target

    This post merely was inspired by @News Bot as he got me thinking about the websites traffic, how it was going/how it is going to end up. If you read his latest article, it will explain everything. Yes, the site is dying out, but why? Because of how the site is tageted. Yes, surely we have a...
  5. P

    PS3 lock

    Source : psx place
  6. P

    Clash of clans MOD

    You get unlimited coins and gems. This is a private server. Cons - your level resets everytime you restart the game but your world saves. Global chat is disabled. Pros - you can join clans. Talk in the clan chat. Battle clans Finally have pvp. Proof? My name is on the corner on the picture...
  7. P

    Ended Win a PlayStation 3

    Would you like the chance to win a PlayStation 3? Playstation 3 Games? And a Google ChromeCast? Well keep on reading! I will put all your usernames in a raffle and at the end of 14 days I will pick out 3 names.
  8. P

    Windows 10 beta on Xbox One coming 'post-summer'

    Xbox Boss, Phil Spencer has confirmed that Windows 10 BETA will be coming to Xbox one in 'Post Summer'. He confirmed it on Twitter, Check it out Here. You would of never thought that it would be coming this soon. Does this mean that you can stream from your XBONE to your desktop? That is what...
  9. P

    The Time Has Come

    Hello, Fellow, Console Crunch Members. I feel that it is time for me to make my leave from the staff team. I barely have any time to on this site anymore and I barely have any interest in gaming anymore, There are more important stuff in like that I would rather do. @Younis Thanks for giving...
  10. P

    new project

    Sup my nigguhs... I am working on a PC game streaming website..... I started today.... I designed this today as the index page...... rate out 1/10.... http://sociallook.co.uk/
  11. P

    Psycho_Coders Mini Tool

    Psycho_Coders Mini_Tool. File Pumper, This allows you to select an EXE file and change the size of it, into KB or MB, This can be used on big files which can help your downloading speed be much faster, I coded this tool last year and released it but the UI was let's say, shit. I may allow this...
  12. P

    Clean but basic login design

    [/LEFT] <html> <head> <title>Social Look</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> </head> <body> <div id="head"> <img src="images/ic.png"> <button><a href="Register.php">Register</a></button> </div> <div id="logit"> <form action="member.php" method="POST"> <input...
  13. P

    Sony Morpheus: released in 2016

    Here are a few quotes. Source
  14. P

    Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 2 Review

    Hello, Guys. Here is a review on the Horrifying game Resident Evil: Revelations 2. According to GotGame this is just a very simple continuation just ranking up the difficulty and game variations. This won't change the game at all but it will definitely include new boss fights. and making the...
  15. P

    Restriction from third party apps

    As you may know that there is a restriction to these apps, You would need to login into PlayStation Network to gain access. According to Hax this has have actually changed. Thanks to trictlyfocused and bitsbubba the restriction has been lifted. For example, you would not need to login to...
  16. P

    PHP ms5 hashing passwords and pdo

    I was doing some PDO and thought that because the passwords are not hashed in my mysql database I might aswell manually hash them. Here ye go. <?php try { $handler = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=scl', 'root', ''); $handler->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); }...
  17. P

    What do you think?

    Hi guys, I am hard coding a site for programmers, well this site is technically designed for the use of programmers, to download sources and etc. Now, I am not sure of the design. tell me what you think of it. www.sociallook.co.uk It took me like 2 hours to make, Criticism would be very much...
  18. P

    Login/Register Jquery effect/search hover effect

    I simply created a Jquery slidedown effect for the Login form and a hover search box. Very basic and easy to make. Here is the CSS. body { margin:0; background-color:#f2f2f2; } #menu1 input[name="register"] { background-color: red; border: 1px solid red; color:white...
  19. P

    Xenforo Login

    I got bored wondering how they make the menu drop down down with the login button which makes the Login form apear. Here is a basic one I created. hardly no style so looks not so good but it works great with a nice drop down effect. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <title>Social Look</title>...
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