Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 2 Review

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Apr 12, 2014

Hello, Guys. Here is a review on the Horrifying game Resident Evil: Revelations 2. According to GotGame this is just a very simple continuation just ranking up the difficulty and game variations. This won't change the game at all but it will definitely include new boss fights. and making the game on a more fast approach.

In episode 2 there are new plot ideas, But at the same time it leads to the individual asking loads of questions, which is good. Claire and Moira are advancing furthermore into the heart of the deserted island, and their progress feels even harder than it used to be. Enemies are coming in packs, resources are scattered and very difficult to find, and the strange feel of horror is setting in. Encounters are now more frequent and require a sense of strategy and cooperation, leaving behind the mindless shooting. It’s a lot easier to die or to run out of bullets, putting everything into jeopardy.

The stakes of the game are now higher! and the fear of the game can effect the player passionately.


You can read the whole review Here
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