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Search results

  1. AMG_Soldier

    Partitioning sd card

    I partitioned my sd card and wen i go to link2SD it says Mount script cannot be created invalid arguement i need a fix soon please help
  2. AMG_Soldier

    How to format a hdd

    i want to know how you can format a ps3 hdd on a ps3 and if there is no way how do u do it on a laptop
  3. AMG_Soldier

    PS3 injector wont work

    when i open my injector and i press ccapi it says " You need to install ccapi to use this library". I already have ccapi rev 3 installed. i could connect to my ps3 but my injector just wont work. i try getting ccapi from another file to the injector file but it still wont work
  4. AMG_Soldier

    My play store error

    My play store gives me an error saying " error retrieving information from server and i do clear data and it works but then if u leave the play store and comeback it wont work again. How can i fix it permantly
  5. AMG_Soldier

    Proxy Server Not responding

    My laptop says proxy server not responding on ie and google chrome and etc... I tryed unchecking the lan settings but when i go back it automatically checks again. Plzzz help me
  6. AMG_Soldier

    error code (8001003D) when starting a game

    When i start a game it gives me error code (8001003D) What should i do
  7. AMG_Soldier

    PS3 Need GTA 5 1.21 eboot and rtm tool

    I need an gtav 1.21 eboot and rtm tool that works
  8. AMG_Soldier

    Ended $40 PSN Account

    Hi im giving away an account with $40 PSN on it to one lucky winner How to Win Like this post Comment why you would want it Start Date: 3/10/15 End Date: 3/17/15 Dont Post twice or post again with a different account or you will be disqualified Good Luck
  9. AMG_Soldier

    Ended Account Giveaway

    Im giving away 3 Modded accounts one for black ops 2, one for Modern Warfare 3 and one for Black ops 1 Start Date: March 9, 2015 End Date: March 17, 2015 How to win: Like and comment why you would want it and dont forget to like and dont post twice or make post with a different account or you...
  10. AMG_Soldier

    plzz somebody help

    My laptop says proxy server not responding i tried the lan settings nothing works and im on and hp windows 8 i think i have to use command promt is that right plzz help
  11. AMG_Soldier

    Need Help!!!!!!!!

    Every time i go to google chrome on my laptop it says and error from proxy server something like that how do i fix it
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