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  1. Diggygoglol

    PS3 Gran Turismo 5 & 6 Money tool [Updated]

    can you update for 1.22 gt6? :)
  2. Diggygoglol

    Your Favorite phone( Iphone, Android, Windows, Blackberry)

    Much prefer Android. Sony Xperia is pretty good for the android community.
  3. Diggygoglol

    Your Dream Car (Year, Make, Model & Color)

    those are so sweet! Saw an import last summer. A red Jaguar F-Type R. 550HP V8 5.0 Liter supercharged Engine. or a GTR ;D or a Viper 8===D
  4. Diggygoglol

    4.75 Spoof Enabler/Disabler

    it worked but i got psn banned.
  5. Diggygoglol

    Wont read new os

    I have tried os's that have worked before. and complete os from linux.
  6. Diggygoglol

    Wont read new os

    @UnboundGodz Thats what im trying to do is install a new os. when i boot from cd drive it says no os found. same with USB.
  7. Diggygoglol

    Wont read new os

    Have an older computer i got from my buddy and When i try to boot from disk or usb it says "no operating system found" any ideas?
  8. Diggygoglol

    DEX to CEX to STUCK ON 4.25 OFW

    i had 01001100 error and i just re updates the flasher and i got good backups.
  9. Diggygoglol

    DEX to CEX to STUCK ON 4.25 OFW

    i own e3 anyway because of this problem. so yeah... Problem has been fixed long ago.
  10. Diggygoglol

    Stuck on Rebug 3.55.4

    Problem fixed. My blue ray ribbon cable clip was broke so i used a soldering iron to melt the piece on holding the clip in place. before it would get to 65% and fail.
  11. Diggygoglol

    Stuck on Rebug 3.55.4

    it just goes black screen. did this when it was on ferrox.
  12. Diggygoglol

    Stuck on Rebug 3.55.4

    none of my package files load at all.
  13. Diggygoglol

    Stuck on Rebug 3.55.4

    so get the dump and go to dex then update to 3.55 dex then to 4.65 dex and convert to cex then to latest FW?
  14. Diggygoglol

    Stuck on Rebug 3.55.4

    well im on rebug and when i try from recovery menu it stays on the screen "Checking for update". ill dry the converting to dex method
  15. Diggygoglol

    Stuck on Rebug 3.55.4

    So im stuck on 3.55.4 rebug because i downgraded cause ferrox is shit fw. so now im stuck cause everytime i try to update it says corrupted data. any thoughts or help?
  16. Diggygoglol

    DEX to CEX to STUCK ON 4.25 OFW

    Hey guys so i recently decided to fallow a tutorial on going from DEX to CEX because of the recent update. http://www.******.net/showthread.php?t=76528 I then tried to install Habibs 4.66v1.01 and it seemed to have put me on ofw. any help or why/how i can get off of this?
  17. Diggygoglol

    the "Thanksgiving dick" prank [Request]

    Hey guys. Got a problem. My boss thinks its okay to make me miss my thanks giving dinner for what would be the third year in a row. I dont mind working the 8 hours, but the problem is, he declined to give me and my co worker any additional benefits. Although it is legal to do this, moraly it...
  18. Diggygoglol

    Help pls?!

    It wouldnt brick your system. Just use anti ban eboots and delete history and never be signed in on homebrew.
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    Very long time haha been busy lol
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    always good sign haha
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    How you been bro
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    im doing great bro thanks for askinng week ago is was sick but all better now haha
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    Same myself lol bad flu going around
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    yea same here
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    good to see you back on here bro for sure
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    well think im going to make my self some dinner starting to geyt hungry hahah
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