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Search results

  1. joshchawks

    PS3 [PS3] Minecraft: Elite Edition - PS3 Minecraft Mod Pack (Custom Texture Packs & Skins)

    hmm....I wont be releasing my projects here anymore, mod has hijacked my thread and now its posted in several different locations, i feel the moderator who locked this thread has something to do with it as i notice nothing is changed. Only opened to copy and paste my thread. **** this site...you...
  2. joshchawks

    Pokemon: Elite Edition (80+ Pokemon Hacks/Mods for PS3)

    well do download it for free from my webpage :) http://eliteelectronics.wix.com/home#!downloads/c102a
  3. joshchawks

    Pokemon: Elite Edition (80+ Pokemon Hacks/Mods for PS3)

    Pokemon: Elite Edition Created By: Josh Hawks Elite Electronics 2009-2014 (Josh Hawks)
  4. joshchawks

    Super Mario World: Elite Edition (250+ SMW Hacks all in one PS3 PKG!)

    Super Mario World: Elite Edition Created By: Josh Hawks Elite Electronics 2009-2014 (Josh Hawks)
  5. joshchawks

    PS3 [PS3] Minecraft: Elite Edition - PS3 Minecraft Mod Pack (Custom Texture Packs & Skins)

    Minecraft: Elite Edition Created By: Josh Hawks & Death_Dealer Elite Electronics 2009-2014 (Josh Hawks)
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