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  1. RichHomie

    Ended Steam Key Giveaway

    19 3rd person, Thanks for the giveaway.
  2. RichHomie

    Need Youtube GFX

    its good man appreciate the reply let me know when your available to help me out.
  3. RichHomie

    Need Youtube GFX

    Yo, Looking for someone who can hook me up with a banner and a logo for my you tube channel, I will be doing mostly gaming stuff and the channel name is playersbemad. Let me know if anyone can help me out thanks.
  4. RichHomie

    PC Minecraft Alts

    Yo was wondering if anyone has some Minecraft alts I can have or I am willing to pay for some, If I am going to pay they have to be full access please Pm me or reply to the post. -Thanks
  5. RichHomie

    Ended Christmas Giveaway

    Merry Christmas
  6. RichHomie

    Well guess I am back

    So I have been inactive for about a year but I should be back on regularly posting mods and other stuff. Good to be back.
  7. RichHomie

    Glitchinng V5.1 FULL SOURCE

    Very useful thanks.
  8. RichHomie

    PC [RELEASE] Major Distribution V1 Essentials

    No need to post stuff like that people still play GTA IV For Modding and Such...
  9. RichHomie


    Welcome Dude.
  10. RichHomie

    HENkaku Ported to PlayStation 4 (PS4) - 3.55 Firmware Code Execution POC by Fire30

    The PlayStation 4 (PS4) firmware of choice for the hacking community has been firmware v1.76, as developer's have taken advantage of that webkit exploit in the firmware and have been able to achieve various things, most notable being able to install Linux on your PS4 with the ability to run apps...
  11. RichHomie

    ManaGunz V1.25 (WIP)

    ManaGunz V1.25 (WIP) This is another Backup Manager made from the ground. It allows you to mount a backup stored in your USB device or in the internal hdd as a virtual Blue-Ray using 4 differents UI : "List", "Grid", "XMB" and "Flow". By Zar Credits: Download: ManaGunZ v1.25...
  12. RichHomie

    Looking For YouTube Avatar And Banner!

    Still Looking For Someone to help me out.
  13. RichHomie

    Looking For YouTube Avatar And Banner!

    Hey, Today I'm Looking For Graphics For My YouTube Channel I Need A Avatar And A Banner I Want It To Look Something Like This, Do Not Want The Exact Same Thing As This But Something Similar Like I want A Bull But Way More Elaborated Then This One If You Have Any Suggestion Feel Free To Post...
  14. RichHomie

    Ended best profile picture win 1 month premium+modded acounts

    Is he gonna pick a winner soon?
  15. RichHomie

    Hello CC

    Well your Psn name does not want me to add you.
  16. RichHomie

    Buying In need of a GFX editor... Paying $$ (Paypal)

    I Recommend @UnboundGodz He Does Da Good GFX!
  17. RichHomie

    Payment methods other than google wallet?

    The Currency for the site should be CIDS.
  18. RichHomie


    Welcome, To Console Crunch The #1 Place For Fastest Banned CIDS.
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