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  1. Few

    help me [will pay]

    idk where this is supposed to go so i'ma just post this here question: how can i get premium avatars from other users on my ps3? there's some avatars i want but they aren't in any avatar packs.. i bought them on a japan account that's currently on my ps3 tho.. on my ps3.. do i just take the...
  2. Banned

    Help [Avatar]

    Anyone knows how to make a custom avatar that will actually stick to your psn not like the ones you can put on and no one sees it and after signing out its gone
  3. zNxRo

    zNxRo 2,206 Premium Avatars + Download. CFW

    zNxRo I just saw the previous post n now finally, after asking in chat 1000 times. I now know where to post this, Sorry not trying to upstage previous post just enjoy. NGU can ban me (Censor my Posts) my Folder Post In general did it. However this is the only site I don't hate I'll post my...
  4. Đϵⱴ

    Premium PSN Avatars [Download] [CFW Only]

    Note: Rumors have it that using nonpurchased premium avatars increases risk for account ban and even possibly console ban. Use at your own risk. This is my first post so not sure if this has been posted on here or not but I thought it is something cool to have! Has over 1400+ Avatars in it...
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