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  1. Imtheking11111

    PS3 Black Ops 2 RTM Tool Snacky v1 1.19

    Hallo CC! Today i'm bringing you guys my new RTM tool for black ops 2 Snacky v1 Hope you like it Important If the tool shows as a virus It because the thema.dll does it I dont know why it does that but the tool is harmless Enjoy! :pap:
  2. A

    PS3 AtomicX - Browse, Download and Install GSC Mods for Black Ops II (PS3/XBOX) [Open Source/C#]

    Hello ConsoleCrunch, A basic server-driven Call of Duty: Black Ops II GSC injector. Supports both Multiplayer & Zombies. Update #1: Database now has well over 50 mods. Hopefully Zombies coming soon too. Thank you all for your support. Update #2: All GSC files are now supported, for both...
  3. Sky999

    DLC not showing up exept mp nuketown

    Hello everyone ! Im on big trouble (sorry for my english) i downloaded uprising, vengeance, and nuketown dlc's and it seems that only nuketown multiplayer map showing up and all others dont. I installed the dlcs to HDD : content/000000000000/ (bo2 file id) /000002 (something like that ) and i...
  4. N

    Please I need help!

    I have a question : When i Click Play online in Black ops 2 with My 4.81 DEX IT says Servers aren't available, but they Are available. I have a Problem People say ITS the eboot but i don't have bo2 on My dev_hdd0 I only habe the BLES01717-install. Please help. It also says on Network test : IP...
  5. Quacked

    Can't Force Host Anymore?

    So whenever I try to force host on BO2 now it will take around an hour to get into a game, I have heard that recently BO2 has switched to dedicated servers and that there is no more P2P? Is this true and is there anyway to get force host back?
  6. M

    PS3 [FREE]Tool Black Ops 2 By iFaD(1.19)

    Download Link : https://mega.nz/#!MEIlAaDI!LBEmczs5mn96mwVcIpk4B8pfNIMgvKO0XeQYCL0xO2s VirusTotal[ 2/61 ]: https://www.virustotal.com/fr/file/e0b31cc772b19f880bb222973d8c4dd686b158b9370ca3e3ba2e600d99c96353/analysis/
  7. ✩Ⱨ₳₵₭ɆⱤ✩

    PS3 BO2 RTM Tool V2 By FrEaK

    Today Im Relasing My V2 Update With A Client Menu! More To Come On The V3! Download: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/0ncxb2b1r11r1/BO2_RTM_By_FrEaK Virus Scan: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/a66177b5801a7ccb8a0904494e0bc908a768e07f294e3e2ee79e91085cc7bd79/analysis/1485411606/ YouTube Vid:
  8. Made MoDz


    i think i release it for everybody,its not the best,but this was my first so i gaved my best :D @German Modder Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/gfmuu7k3tfqt7ru/BO2+RTM-RTE+by+Made+MoDz%28Ramon%29.rar
  9. Franklin

    [XBOX 360/PS3/PC]The Spark 1.19 Updated

    Hello ConsoleCrunch Today i updated my Menu "The Spark" Added: -Advanced Noclip (Main Mods) -Player Shadow (Fun Menu) -Better doHeart (Lobby Menu) -Plant/Defuse Bomb (Lobby Menu) -MiniMap Menu (Lobby Menu) -Instant Change Camo (Weapons Menu) -Grapple Gun (Modded Weapons) -Killstreaks...
  10. Canadian

    Astrill v2 by AstrillCFW

    Astrill v2 (AstrillCFW) YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqOxF0qHkUqjV4Vt6Qy02Fw
  11. S

    PS3 [CEX/DEX] Black Ops II Extra Stats Changer & Mods v3.02 By Slicky

    Hello everyone, I present the new version of the tool of Slicky ! :cool: Pictures : Download : http://www.mediafire.com/download/vz3o5wma8e4miys/Black+Ops+II+Extra+Stats+Changer+&+Mods+v3.02+By+Slicky.rar Viruscan ...
  12. Futuristic Modz


    Hi! i can't force host on any game-mode but FFA, party games, and league play. I want to do some mod trolling videos but i can't force Host on TDM, SMD ect, i was wondering if anyone had i fix for this? Cheers!
  13. Dems


    Hey, I am hosting a modded account giveaway! This is one of my old accounts. as seen in this video HOW TO ENTER Just comment something random below. Will end 3/25/16
  14. Futuristic Modz


    Hey Guys! This account was mine but i don't need it anymore it has been in a few of my videos and i will be giving it away on here! It had GTA 5 modded also BO2. Post anything below to enter! Goodluck!!
  15. crankyman44

    Ended Chance to win a Black ops 2 Modded Account

    Hello there ConsoleCrunch i finally got a private CID and i though i giveback to the community This thread is a chance to win a BO2 modded account (PS3 Only) Includes- Prestige 1-999999 Unlock all including call signs etc Level 55 10 Classes and Colored classes Start Date 2/21/2016 End Date...
  16. D

    PS3 Turns off 3 beeps BO2

    okay so my bo2 used to work but then all the sudden it wouldn't load past the main menu without turning off and beeping 3 times so i used eboot to boot passed main menu which works good except once a map loads private/public/lan/anything as soon as i spawn it turns off again i have tried...
  17. TWSS_Exotic-_-

    PS3 BO2 Devolution (GSC) Mod Menu

    Bo2 Devolution Mod Menu. Wanna Help In The Menu PM Me Hope You Enjoy "Its A Start Menu Made By A 14yr Old And A 19yr Old" ""The 14yr Old Did Everything LoL"" Hope You Enjoy PS:If there's Like Some Map Bug's Or Something Tell Me PLZ Id Like To Thank Hyper For This Video. <3 TWSS_Hyper
  18. Futuristic Modz

    PSNServices RTM Tool Non-Host end game and more

    Hi, this is a really great tool with a non host end game and lots of other non host mods! It's got an ip grabber and more one of the best BO2 RTM tools out there! Hope you guys like this tool i did not make it or help with it! Credits PSNServices
  19. TWSS_Exotic-_-

    PS3 Black ops 2 Modded Eboots

    http://www.mediafire.com/download/hjfsc5w6e3r80nm/Eboots_for_Bo2.rar If You Want me to make a Eboot Tell Me What U Want in it in a message or Reply. Read The Info When Opening A Eboot Folder So U Could know What Your Going To Have k Its For BLUS31011 If U Want It For A Diff. Region Tell Me...
  20. I

    PS3 Jericho Engine Non- Host Mod Menu | Best Non Host | iSkoll | Enjoy BO2 | SPRX

    Welcome To Jericho Engine, This project took about a month to put togather, This was possible for idiotic work of OldSchoolModz for creating Desire Engine. This Menu Have Features from Desire Engine And Additional one that includes In Lobby Menu for RTM. Watch the video and Enjoy. Features...
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