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console id

  1. MoDz_rFUN

    Banned Console ID #5852

    Credits: MoDz_rFUN Hope You Guys Enjoy
  2. teoman uslu

    Banned Console ID #5818

    Credits to Tim-Oliver Schwanewede :)
  3. Vass

    Console Bans (UPDATED) (IMPORTANT)

    okay just confirmed psn have stopped banning cid's or lowered the banning on them they have now moved onto banning ips it restricts you fully from online features been on the phone with Virgin for an hour now and we went to live chat with sony support they now ban your ip i tested the theory...
  4. TriteMods

    Banned Console ID #5454

    Credits: Me
  5. xPreeksHackz

    Banned Console ID #5382

    Credits: Web
  6. Landoncharles230

    Banned Console ID #5143

    Banned for 2 weeks only on gta 5
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