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  1. PliskinDev

    PSN STUFF v9 - Download Updates, Games, Dlcs, Raps

    PSN Stuff v9 Lastest Version ---------------------------------------------- PSN Stuff Explained ------------------------- What is new Update DataBase to the latest version --------------------------------- Download And Virustotal --------------------------- Enjoy
  2. M

    PS3HEN v2.3.2 available

    . PS3HEN allows to run homebrew applications today it is the only solution to load payloads on the original firmware 4.82 and the hybrid firmware 4.84. Changelog 2.3.2: Changes to the HEN plugin - Update to detect and support firmware HFW 4.85. Payload changes - Update to detect and...
  3. M

    PS3HEN v2.2.2 available

    And here is the sixth update of PS3HEN since version 2.0. Once again esc0rtd3w and his band whose Joonie Team Rebug offers corrections on the PS3HEN that will mark the history of the PS3 since today is the only solution to load payloads on the original firmware 4.82 and the firmware 4.84 hybrid...
  4. ⚡️⚡️KushPlant420⚡️⚡️

    How to Jailbreak your PS4 (NOOB - FRIENDLY)

    What you are going to need: The Sony PlayStation 4 on OFW 4.55 OR Lower A PC A Brain (Half a Brain also Works for this tutorial) Downloads: PS4 Exploit Host Here Tutorial: Download 'PS4 Exploit Host' and Run the Program as Administrator Go to your 4.55 or BELOW PS4 and Navigate to Settings...
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