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  1. Zrofar

    LittleBigPlanet 2 Mod Methods

    In this thread I am releasing a document of just about all methods for LBP2 that I could think of at the time. In the document is tutorials/explanations for everything. Credit to anyone and everyone that was involved with the creation/findings of these methods As an extra thing, here's a 0...
  2. Zrofar


  3. CemeteryJazz

    Rare LBP Edats For The Public (CFW NEEDED!)

    Here we have some old-ish LBP edats that aren't available to the public. These edats consist of: The yeti, the football player, kangaroo, sackicorn, and a few others. Enjoy to the people that still play this. (I can't believe people still do) Must be nice being 14, huh? To those of you who...
  4. CemeteryJazz

    LBP2 Modded '0 File' Proflie Tutorial and Giveaway

    This modded file gives your popit creator tools that you can use anywhere. Most who constantly play the game already know this though. To start things out, I will give you a tutorial on how to use the modified profile. This is very simple, all you are doing is replacing a file with a different...
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