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mod menu

  1. S

    Stealth Server: Working Cheat Engine****COD/Halo/GTAV for Stealth****

    Hello, I am dropping this here, Ive been working on a cheat engine for stealth servers. Most of whats out their doesn't work at all, this source is working. It has BF3, COD: B03/B02/AW/B01/MW2/MW2/COD4/WAW/Ghost, GTA V, Halo 3, Halo Reach. Current mod menu's are: COD...
  2. S


    Hello, Ive got another crack for you guys. Ive used older versions of this mod menu & its my all time favorite. Havent tried this one out, but it should work great! Please review the readme.txt before using. Download: (Click) VirusTotal: (Click) thanks, -silent
  3. Xanax Modder


    This is a great menu with great options, and has some infections for OFW users! This is a gsrc file as well. *YOU NEED A JAIL-BROKEN PS3 TO BE ABLE TO USE IT* Download: Virus scan:
  4. Xanax Modder

    PS3 Black Ops 2 Nocco v2 Mod Menu for ps3(GSCR)

    Yo i wanna share this amazing menu made by MirrkuModZ- and its really good, i recommend trying it out. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/y8f9bh9jny6a7j2/Nocco+v2.rar Change log - v2 - New Menu Design - Added Chopper Gunner (Modded Kill streaks) - Added Tornado (Forge Menu) - Added Side...
  5. M


    james reborn v25 PKG enjoy !!!
  6. psuniverse


    Hi, I'd like to have some help. Can anyone help me out regarding installing a GTA mod on my PS3? I jailbroke my PS3 yesterday through the Ferrox 4.82 Update and internet browser. I'm on 4.82 CEX right now and I have the BLES version of GTA 5. I tried downloading a latest GTA mod version, I...
  7. James Vivian

    PS3 42 Sprx menus pack by jackmodz

    i didn't create this thread OK? jakemodz did G'day everyone, i hope i have posted this into correct thread. please tell me if it's in the wrong thread, and i will put it in correct one.! I have Came across a few menus and decided to make them into 1 big pack with easy to install zip files...
  8. J


    (PS3) Hi guys, This might sound stupid I am new to this modding thing. So basically I already have a back up of the mod menu MDV13 it works good on gta 4 but i want it for TBOGT i downloaded ii_B4CK XD's it was working good on tbogt too but i want MDV13 on there and I cant make it work i tried...
  9. Dana White

    Jailbreak any OFW 4.82 PS3 - No More E3 Flasher

    Today the Ps3Xploit Team has given us an OFW4.82 to CFW exploit this means that you will never require an E3 flasher or comparable hardware downgrader this is enormous news in the ps3 modding scene yet it additionally implies that there will be alot more modders on the web and Sony won't care...
  10. A

    PS3 AtomicX - Browse, Download and Install GSC Mods for Black Ops II (PS3/XBOX) [Open Source/C#]

    Hello ConsoleCrunch, A basic server-driven Call of Duty: Black Ops II GSC injector. Supports both Multiplayer & Zombies. Update #1: Database now has well over 50 mods. Hopefully Zombies coming soon too. Thank you all for your support. Update #2: All GSC files are now supported, for both...
  11. Dana White

    big Modding starter pack

    I have put together some different tools/menus that most people use when they first start modding to help out the people that have just got there cfw ps3. If you do not know how to use one of the tools or menus feel free to pm me and i will be happy to help you out. PS3 TOOLS...
  12. S

    [Preview] Freeze MenuMenu

    Download & Source Code Coming Soon! Credit: Kev_Kiff, BLOODY85, Toofaces2, IEATUMOM99, Muskelprotze (Base)
  13. LeonGTAVFifa

    PS3 GTA 5 LTS Mod Menu Cracked 1.26/1.27

    Credits : ItalianModder , ITzGJ11 Thanks to Younis That he allowed me to post the Crack VIRUSSCAN https://www.virustotal.com/de/file/e07d607ebb835053051e92f36b6e4f9dbfbeda95b54eaf96c12ae6f4f01cf260/analysis/
  14. Franklin

    [XBOX 360/PS3/PC]The Spark 1.19 Updated

    Hello ConsoleCrunch Today i updated my Menu "The Spark" Added: -Advanced Noclip (Main Mods) -Player Shadow (Fun Menu) -Better doHeart (Lobby Menu) -Plant/Defuse Bomb (Lobby Menu) -MiniMap Menu (Lobby Menu) -Instant Change Camo (Weapons Menu) -Grapple Gun (Modded Weapons) -Killstreaks...
  15. TazeyModz

    PS3 [1.26/SPRX] Serendipity [Version 4.2]

    Video: Creds to ImPiff Changelog: 4.2 Older versions: Information on Purchasing: Purchase Serendipity Here: https://serendipitygta.com/buy Or Simply Press On The Serendipity Image at the top and you will be re-directed to the same link in a new tab! Dev: Joren;)
  16. Zrathex

    PS3 [BO2/1.19] GSC Mod Menu DEEZ NUTZ | CEX/DEX + Download

    Hello Crunchers! :) I would like to bring a really cool GSC menu "DEEZ NUTZ" to ConsoleCrunch. Me, Dench and zFlashMods was testing it out and loved it. If you want to test it then feel free to download it down below. Have a wonderful day. :D Menu by: KillerGamer81 Download Link: ► DEEZ NUTZ...
  17. M

    [1.06] [RELEASE] SkyFall - Zombie Mod Menu SPRX for DEX

    Hello consolecrunch, I'm making a new topic for my SkyFall Zombie Mod Menu ! The menu has been created in C++, it's a SPRX. He has been test in Rebug 4.78 DEX without issues The Menu is not compatible with CEX !! Buy : https://www.facebook.com/MrNiato.Boost4EverTeam
  18. TazeyModz

    PS3 [GTA V] Ever Wonder Why You Get Banned Often? Here's Why!

    Hey Crunchers, Its Tazey. So Today I'll Be explaining, and showing why You get banned Often On GTA 5. You're Usually Banned on GTA Online for Using Mods and Exploits [Who Doesnt :p]. Especially if you use modifications without any control or monitoring what you do! But this Isnt the only...
  19. Zrathex

    PC Low Rider V1 Mod Menu By Zrathex [1.30] [SP/MP]

    Hey CC Members :) Today I would like to release my first mod menu ever and hope you all enjoy this sexy bastard. I've used a lot time on it and still it isn't finished, but in the V2 it will be more options added and if you find any bugs then please comment them down below so I can fix it...
  20. Revisual

    PS3 TESSERACT 1.5.1 [DEX/1.26/UPDATED!]

    TESSERACT VERSION 1.5.1 UPDATE-FEED: - Links re-uploaded (Official ones added). - Added credits. - Added more information. - Fixed update issue. - Added mini-tutorial. 08/06/2015 - Updated version. - Updated links. - Added video. SCRIPT MOD MANAGER (LINK): SCRIPT MOD LOADER INFORMATION...
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