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  1. PPRX

    PS3 (Outdated) PPRX's Black Screen Protection Plugin

    Hi Console Crunchers, It's been a while :D Today, I'm releasing here a black screen protection plugin that was part of my private plugins. I don't know how many people are still playing this game, but I hope it's good for someone else. The plugin runs on a DEX console and built for the latest...
  2. PPRX

    PS3 (RELEASE) PPRX's Real Time Hud Color Changer for PS3

    PPRX's Real Time Hud Color Changer for PS3 Today i decide releasing a menu that allows you to edit hud color (health/armour) in game This Stuff has been on my private menu for a while, but I've decided to release it This menu only works on PS3. I don't know if it works on OFW because I haven't...
  3. PPRX

    (UPDATED) Fake Host Script - PS3 / Xbox360

    PPRX's Fake Host Script Works on PS3 OFW/CFW (All Regions) and Xbox360 Retail/RGH/JTAG ● What This ● When you load this script, you become a fake host locally. This will enable Full Black Screen Protection, Resurrect (teleport) people and You can change weather (others can see). ● Known Bugs...
  4. PPRX


    Hi ConsoleCrunch.com :D I decided to release this protection by looking at current GTA modding scene :) Credits: PPRX (SPRX & Pre Modded EBOOT) Special Thanks to SockStress (without him, it was impossible to create this protection)
  5. PPRX


    Hi Console Crunch.com :D I also released it on another forum, but I decided to release it here as well. today i decided to release my own MD switcher. this idea given by my old friend. but he retired from modding. i took over project. use this switcher, you can use any MD without changing the...
  6. PPRX

    PC (TUTORIAL) How to Add Freeze Gun Protection To Your Own MD Essentials Source

    PPRX's GTA:IV Simple Script Coding Tutorial for Script Beginners * Sorry for My Bad English :( * In this tutorial used Sublime Text 3. Hi guys. today i will show you how to add simple freeze gun protection to MD Essentials source. There is no detailed explanation of the native function in this...
  7. PPRX

    (RELEASE) PPRX Modifier - Scripted Name Changer (PS3/XBOX)

    Hi Console Crunch :). Today I Release GTA:IV Scripted Name Changer for PS3(OFW/CFW) & XBOX360. This Script Can Spoof Online Name in Non Modded Console. Download Link Includes SCO for PS3 and XBOX360 and Modded Backup for OFW PS3. Open Menu: R1 + X or RB + A CAUTION: Don't Use Preset Star...
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