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  1. Shekilovex


    Hi ConsoleCrunch .. - I would like to share with you a simple addition for GTA IV players , - Handling for all cars .. Installation via pkg , - And I hope you like it (( Only works for HEN system )) , - Support : NPEB00882 - NPUB30702 - NPEB00907 - NPUB30704 , - You can submit your comments...
  2. A

    Arisen Studio - Browse, Download and Install Mods for PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360

    The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager. Arisen Studio allows you to easily browse through a regularly updated database of mods, game saves, homebrew, resources, themes, and much more for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. All mods have been tested and verified in our library, which is...
  3. B 7 R E

    [1.04] Watch Dogs Addresses and Offsets

    Hello CC members these are the addresses and offsets that I've found PointerToBaseAddress: 0x0274EF80 Money: 0x54 SkillPoints: 0x58 Score: 0x60 Level: 0xA4 Example PS3.Extension.WriteInt32(PS3.Extension.ReadUInt32(PointerToBaseAddress) + Money, 1000000000); Unlimited Items: 0x1E3FCC ON...
  4. B 7 R E


    Hello CC Members! This's my tool for Watch Dogs 1.04 Download Virus Scan Virustotal: 2/70 (The file is clean) Enjoy
  5. Itz Macey

    Does wanna one have good cex/hen Mp non-host/pre-game menus? That isn't basic same menus

    Does wanna one have good cex/hen Mp non-host/pre-game menus? That isn't basic same menus
  6. Cecil2016_Gaming

    Help! I don't know where to put this!

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for some assistance in finding or obtaining tools to modify PS3 game files. I'm interested in doing this for two reasons- one is for customization purposes and the other is to experiment with cheats and other modifications that can enhance my gaming experience. I'm...
  7. Cecil2016_Gaming

    Looking for pc tools!

    I'm looking for pc tools that can help me/let me modify backedup game files as well as the update/install files easily or ones that I can learn!?
  8. Cecil2016_Gaming

    Destiny Eboot troubles for RTM!

    Okay, I am running evilnats latest dex CFW and I have changed the Eboot over to debug but I am running dex and I only ran the cex CFW side of true ancestor and I tried every fix and none of them work and every time I boot Destiny up I get a black screen! Did I do something wrong because I...
  9. L

    Dusting of the DEX Ps3! Need up****** please.

    So as the title suggests, I've been away from the scene now for better part of 8 years, but I really fancy catching back up on it. ( fancy modding some Bo3 zombies and older CODs as a blast from the past) and would really appreciate it if someone can get me up to date on what good CFW, updates...
  10. P

    Working Console ID #8670

    Credit" Panda Risch
  11. sakurabunny

    Need Help Paradise SPRX Mod Menu (GTAV)

    Hello guys, I added all files in the correct installation paths, SPRX and the 2 key files in tmp and EBOOT bin in USR DIR, I have 2 EBOOTS for HEN tried both and the game is on the latest update but the mod menu does not show up, is this menu only online (RIP) and not story mode? Also, How do...
  12. dexnomodz

    Can't sign into my ps3 DEX.

    Hey guys, i cant sign into psn since last update idk why. when i try to sign in it says incorrect pw .. i alrdy tried with Generate or Manage Device Setup Passwords but still says incorrect email or pw do i need to update my cfw? in rebug toolbox it says im on 4.82 dex. but in system info says...
  13. P

    Working Console ID #8659

    CREDITS: ! [404]PanDA-_RiScH.#1265
  14. James_reborn

    PS3 Modded File Detector GTA IV EFLC

    Releasing my tool to detect modified / modded .sco files from update.img / script.img / script_network.img from GTA IV EFLC Video Download Virus Scan Contacts Join my Discord My Twitter
  15. James_reborn

    PS3 Custom Menu / Episodes From Liberty City (Region : NPEB00907)

    Today I will be releasing something that will help developers for GTA IV EFLC. This Menu only fully works on Episodes From Liberty City (Region : NPEB00907) Picture : Video : Download Virus Scan Contacts : Discord Twitter
  16. S

    Help finding Name Changer mod for GTA IV/PS3

    There's two name changer mods that I need... mizdx's osk name changer, and PPRX's scripted name changer, but the download links to these mods are both dead. Does anybody have these mods?
  17. M

    Working Console ID #8645

    Credits: Misakiii
  18. Kgzxx

    Working Console ID #8642

    Credits: WEB
  19. S

    Advanced warfare ps3hen

    I'm looking for a mod menu for the zombie mode of aw for ps3 hen CEX
  20. Doxy99

    PS3 Minecraft RTM + SPRX mod menu

    Hello, since now 2018 on the 1.71 (update of Minecraft), i made some RTM and today i'm happy to show you my newest work ! support CFW / HEN The menu is now available yet because i'm still working on it :s But you can download the V2.2 on my github with my RTM...
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