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  1. A

    ModioX - Browse, Install & Download Mods

    An open source desktop application designed to easily browse through a regularly updated database of game mods, homebrew, resources and themes for the PlayStation 3. A library that is populated by myself, few friends and awesome contributors, so that all mods have been tested and verified. It...
  2. ZoexModz


    Hi everyone I did a tutorial on my channel to customized your Notification colour+icon You can do whatever colour and icon you want For Hen Cex Dex
  3. PliskinDev

    [PS3] [HEN-DEX-CEX] [ SPRX ] Resident Evil 4 HD And Mod Extreme Condition

    Resident Evil 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- SPRX Infinite Ammo All Weapons Infinite Grenades, Rockets, And Arrows Infinite Health Leon Infinite Health Ashely All Weapons Shoot Fast All Weapons...
  4. Boxxy

    BoxxyMC v2 Modloader

    Outdated Please Use: BoxxyMC V6 BoxxyMC v2 Modloader Hello I hope You Liked V1 Now Heres V2 And Thx To Douglas Oliveira for Sharing V1 Now I Present You With V2 I hope You Enjoy Download Link Sorry I forgot To post this here for a while i like to post showcases first then make a post...
  5. James_reborn

    PS3 [CFW / HEN / BLES / BLUS / PS3 ] James reborn Mod Loader v40.1

    James reborn Mod Loader Mod Loader Video : Mod Loader Picture : Binds to Open Mod Loader : Downloads : Mod Loader Base : -> NotYourDope <- Heavily Edited by James reborn Script Injector to Compile CSA File : EROOTIIK Fixes for AP II INTENSE v2.2 : Vicodin10 Console Trainer V : Evil...
  6. gercapo

    Skyrim Static Mesh Improvement Mod for ps3

    I've been working on to port this mod and I'm going to tell you how I did it. Use these programs the follow programs: Xtx Extractor SSE Nif Optimizer The procedure to extract the dds textures is to change the extension to XTX, which is the one that the Nintendo Switch can read and use...
  7. PliskinDev

    [PS3] [ HEN - SPRX ] Resident Evil 6 Rtm Tool

    ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Resident Evil 6 Rtm Tool And Sprx What's new in sprx 1- Disabling All Checks 2- Disabling data loading Check 3- Enabling save points everywhere 4- Reduce the blows of monsters to 25% 5- Reducing the...

    Banned Console ID #8467

    Credit:@TCADEX x->Have Access to Sony<-x
  9. W

    PS3 Make an RTM tool? $$

    Are any of you modders interested in making a RTM Tool for PS3 on MW2? Its nothing too crazy, It's just features from different tools that I'd love to be able to use in the one tool, it's more based towards trickshotting. If anyone is interested, or know anyone that would be interested...
  10. LimitModz

    i need c++ help

    uh so im really shit at c++ but i want to make my sprx a bit like paradox.sh where you press L1/R1 to navigate your sub menus and then Dup/Ddown to navigate the scroll. can someone please tell me the best method to being able to do this? please and thanks :)
  11. OhDs

    Banned Console ID #8463

    Credits: Dszable
  12. PliskinDev

    [PS3] [HEN] Resident Evil 5 Rtm Tool

    ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ RTM Tool ----------------------------------------- Download And Virustotal ----------------------------------------- Credit Mizdx
  13. PliskinDev

    [PS3] [HEN] Resident Evil Revelations Rtm Tool

    ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ RTM Tool ---------------------------- Download And Virustotal ------------------------ Credit Mizdx
  14. PliskinDev

    [PS3] [HEN] Resident Evil Revelations 2 Rtm Tool

    ----------------------------- -------------------- RTM Tool ---------------------------------- Download And VirusTotal ----------------------------- Credit Mizdx
  15. PliskinDev

    Red Dead Redemption Rtm Tool v1.0

    ----------------------------------------------------- Red Dead Redemption -------------------------- Download And Virustotal --------------------------- Enjoy Mizdx
  16. PliskinDev

    PS3 [ GTA V ] [ New Bypass And AntiBan ] [HEN-DEX-CEX]

    ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- New Update 1-Launch Fix 2-Cash Drop Fix 3-Anti-Badsport 4-Bypass-Script 5-Anti-Time-Out 6-Anti-Ban 7-Anti Error Server 8-Anti-Report Cash 9-Unlock Online in Prologue 10-Anti Get MacAddress 11-Anti...
  17. R

    Issue with eboot modding OGP/COP

    Hi im new at modding and i wanted to create a modded EBOOT for a game, i used netcheat to find the offset and i found the original adress with ps3 debugger, but now i have 2 questions/problems: How i know the length of the OGP, for example, it can be: B13F05742F800000419E0014C01F0 or...
  18. TCADEX

    Banned Console ID #8456

    Credits: @TCADEX Idps Psid working Enjoy.
  19. zKarmaV2

    PS3 [1.19] BO2 ANTIBAN EBOOT

    Hi this is a antiban eboot for Call of duty: Black ops 2 Download: Virus Scan: Be happy using this eboot ;)
  20. zKarmaV2

    [PS3] BO2 Paradox V2 Fully Cracked Non-Host

    Hi here is the Paradox v2 FULLY CRACKED for BO2 Tutorial: Drag the "Cracks" folder into /dev_hdd0/tmp along with ParadoxV2BO2.sprx And replace the Eboot of your game with the one what is on the folder (Bles or Blus) Download...
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