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sprx menus

  1. sakurabunny

    Need Help Paradise SPRX Mod Menu (GTAV)

    Hello guys, I added all files in the correct installation paths, SPRX and the 2 key files in tmp and EBOOT bin in USR DIR, I have 2 EBOOTS for HEN tried both and the game is on the latest update but the mod menu does not show up, is this menu only online (RIP) and not story mode? Also, How do...
  2. SPARX_Modz

    PS3 AW Salvation v2 [1.20][CEX.DEX.HEN*] (NoN-Host+Host)[SPRX]

    Salvation v2.0 by Apo-_-Karma Dev Update 2023 ( Menu became Unreleased and private) :Linus::gtg:
  3. Lush _Modz

    PS3 GTA 5 OpGreece SPRX 4.4 FREE (Cracked By Cane) PS3

    GTA 5 OpGreece SPRX 4.4 FREE (Cracked By Cane) PS3 Capture By DeathZoneModz :xD: LIKE & COMMENT Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/9bea3761853bb0153ba4b1cd4e0e8ba68ca43fba9d50aec6473f6af95ef35d08/detection

    [LEAK/SPRX] Menace SPRX Leaked By Origin

    Leaking this piece of utter shit thats lurking around the web [EclipseSPRX#9505]'s Skidded Menu, literally ripped functions from other menus and pasted them in. Game: Black Ops ®: II System: Playstation®: 3 Heres The Source: Heres The VT Link: Do what ya want with it, tbh the scene had...
  5. Roger Goodell

    PS3 [Paradise SPRX Is Back] Spam Alerts from Developer

    Thinking those were simply coming from someone in the session at first, I didn't pay it much attention and went about my business. However, I grew suspicious after recieving the same message/alert from "Rockstar" multiple times even after switching to a solo session. I've done a quick search...
  6. SPARX_Modz

    PS3 [Bo2/1.19] Project GT v2 Non-Host + Pre-Game [DOWNLOAD]

    Best Free SPRX Menu :p Created By : MrReekoFTWxD Controls in the TXT File
  7. jailbreaker4000

    PS3 How to not get banned on GTA 5

    Hi I'm just wondering if anyone knows a good method avoiding getting banned from modding GTA. Thanks in advance.
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