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  1. Nicholas Kirszenstein


    not sure if i am posting this in the right spot. my brother lost his account on here and he cant get into his email but he said he had been in a giveaway and he has a conversation with the giveaway host and owner of website. His username was @Lilxan if a admin can contact me would be great...
  2. Lilxan

    Resigning PS3 saves and converting

    :heart:Could anyone convert the blus code on a save game for me? I've tried with YouTube videos but no luck, I'm using rebuts fake users save option from rebug settings. So just need a save that's compatible with a Canadian game save (CA) from a United States game save (US) The save I'm trying...
  3. Coolmoddz

    ERROR CODE 80010006

    after loading up gta 5 it asked me to update then it said that I need don't have enough memory so I quitted and then I couldn't access any homebrew or do anything I was stuck on the xmb I also lost all my updates on games and savegames
  4. Coolmoddz


    so after all my accounts got banned I decided to make a new one and it wouldn't let me what am I supposed to do now :egged:
  5. Futuristic Modz

    PS4 Blinking Blue light.

    Hi, I have a PS4 and it's stuck in this blue light boot loop it's like a software issue. I don't know how to fix it i feel like i've tried everything. It just stays on a blue light it won't go into safe mode and the controller does not connect via USB when switched on. I've checked my HDMI it's...
  6. Mass

    PS3 Accepting Support questions!

    Any questions you have related to modding GTA 5 and properly configuring and booting your game feel free to PM the mods, and/or PM me or few other members i could refer you TO!!! no CFW user should have to struggle to access online there Fave game, so don't mind just asking, someone will come to...
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    Hi guys I just installed goldhen on ps4 but I don't understand how it works can someone help me? thanks
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