I know this is old but This is what Got me started on this was the very first mw3 hack I ever hosted its simple fun and easy Not laggy Daily1337lobbiez
Stealth mods (public cheater):
-Red boxes around enemy players
-Constant UAV
-Laser pointer
-Increased FOV
Private match mods: -Super Jump
-Super Speed
-Unlimited Ammo
-God Mode (Press L2 to toggle)
-Noclip (Press R3 to toggle)
-Change prestige (Press Down to toggle prestige from 0-21)
-Unlock All (Press Up to activate)
-Welcome message on-spawn for all clients
-Default weapon for all clients
-Increased FOV for all clients
-Instructions printed on screen
Download Here For any Cfw Dex/dex
Stealth mods (public cheater):
-Red boxes around enemy players
-Constant UAV
-Laser pointer
-Increased FOV
Private match mods: -Super Jump
-Super Speed
-Unlimited Ammo
-God Mode (Press L2 to toggle)
-Noclip (Press R3 to toggle)
-Change prestige (Press Down to toggle prestige from 0-21)
-Unlock All (Press Up to activate)
-Welcome message on-spawn for all clients
-Default weapon for all clients
-Increased FOV for all clients
-Instructions printed on screen
Download Here For any Cfw Dex/dex