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PS3 [1.27] Lexicon 3.6

Hello all,

We find ourselves today with the weekly update of the menu lexicon which goes to version 3.6, this update corrects some bugs, and adds some functions. It is mandatory as the previous ones for the mod menu.

The developers announce that updates will no longer be weekly, but that the menu will always be updated to add new functions or fix bugs.

Here is the menu change 3.6

  • Added Give RP Options – Instant, Sticks/Saves, and Fully Undetectable – Options to Add 10k/100k/1m/10m/Custom RP to Session or Clients, Options to Boost Session/Clients Rank to 120/250/500/Custom
  • Improved Remove Attached Objects – Now removes ALL attached objects instead of most common. Now instant, no more 10 second wait.
  • Added Block Give RP
  • Several Optimizations were made in an attempt to reduce menu memory consumption and could have altered the functionality of some features.
  • Changed how menu headers work. Instead of a menu specific subtitle, they now all show as « LEXICON PS3 « .
  • Fixed Vehicle Spawner not deleting old vehicle when Match Physics enabled
  • Converted paired XYZ/ROT Sliders into a universal slider for all uses to save space and improve consistency
  • Fixed an issue where certain tools or menus could detect that you were a modder based on the Community Mod Menu ID system even if it was disabled.
  • Clones are now stored in Entity Manager
  • About NPC Spawner – Yes I’m aware of the issues with it and they haven’t been fixed this update. I’m not sure entirely what’s causing them. If it doesn’t work for you and you really care about it try toggling Show Ticker & Godmode, changing either might fix it. Also disabling Show Talking Players & the listing options can sometimes fix it. It’s a really bizarre bug and if I can’t fix it I might just scrap the NPC spawner all together. Could always use more room.
  • About Block Insurance Fraud – I can’t fix the bug where it messed with vehicles. I just can’t. Options are to either leave as is or remove entirely. I choose leave as is. I’ve added a warning to the footer for the option so those who don’t read the changelog are aware of it. My Advice: Only enable it if someone is actually using insurance fraud on you.

Click here to download the PKG http://hack-console.com/BLOG/2017/RTE PKG/Lexicon 3.6 www.hack-console.fr.pkg :)
is this sprx and is it working on ps3
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