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PS3 1.27/PS3 GTA 5 MOD MENU | OFFLINE/ONLINE | NO JAILBREAK! (Download Links + Tutorial)


Demonstration in VIDEO

Download Links


1. Download either BLUS or BLES FILE ABOVE
2. Run the exe installer and extract files
3. Add PS3 file to USB Stick
4. Plug into ps3 (Right slot) and restore the backup via {System setting> Backup> Restore }
5. Once restored install the GTA V disc and one.


To get online:
1. load story mode
2. sign in
3. join solo mode
4. once in hit find new session

NOTE: This will restore everything on PS3 (including games, music, pictures,etc.) Also, this can result in a OFW CID banned SO I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE! (Playing Online) so don't abuse the mods!

Credits: D3AD3DiTZz

awesome i got it but wont let me online?
I downloaded it, took a long a** time, extracted it, took another long a** time, and installing it on PS3, taking even longer, about 2 MB per 10 minutes! I seen the D3AD3DiTZz logo, so at least I know that when I sleep tonight, hopefully it will be done by tomorrow.
this don't work for me its give me an error -do u have to make a ps3 folder then savedata in caps and then put it in there ???
I only extracted the folder from the .EXE file and put it in my USB, and it's working after I restored to the PS3. Nothing needed modified.
I only extracted the folder from the .EXE file and put it in my USB, and it's working after I restored to the PS3. Nothing needed modified.

And can you play gta online?
I download extracted and restored it,but i cant get online ( offline works) ( cloud servers unavaileble)
hey guys new here i have modded ps3 rebug on dex where can i get single player offline mods or how can i make one i dont like artimas also can i rtm offline using cappi
I'm guessing you can only use this if you have the disk version? (I have the US version but only via the HAN/Rap/Package file method

Demonstration in VIDEO

Download Links


1. Download either BLUS or BLES FILE ABOVE
2. Run the exe installer and extract files
3. Add PS3 file to USB Stick
4. Plug into ps3 (Right slot) and restore the backup via {System setting> Backup> Restore }
5. Once restored install the GTA V disc and one.


To get online:
1. load story mode
2. sign in
3. join solo mode
4. once in hit find new session

NOTE: This will restore everything on PS3 (including games, music, pictures,etc.) Also, this can result in a OFW CID banned SO I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE! (Playing Online) so don't abuse the mods!

Credits: D3AD3DiTZz

bro need help got it downloaded but save data utlity wont get saved why not? it wont come up but when load game i got your load page old san andresa rockstar north help trying for months
Just wanted to say thank you for this, it works great! Question though, is there a speedometer mod in there somewhere or could someone send me in the right direction for one please? I would greatly aappreciate it!
Ok I figured out that the speedo is broke but trying to spawn vehicles and it's only a subject few? I'm particularly looking for the schafter v12 and the merryweather Mesa (tried replaying the missions but didn't work). I've tried multiple ways of writing it and with different menus. Am I missing something or are they not in there? Any way to get a list of spawnable vehicles?
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