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If you didn't know, you can get free avatars that usually cost money on the PlayStation store.
Here is the link for the avatars!:1,423 AVATARS
If the link no longer works please let me know and i will upload them asap.
Virus scan: No need since theyre just edats and over 50mb.
Special Thanks to these people for their donations of avatars
- CookeditBruh
- Stunz
- koekiemonstarr2
- AtlanticModz
- Funzaur (Release of Legendary Avatars)
- SwA_x_iDriZzy / SwA_x_iBeaTs
- BornModzx
- rambomonstu
- WcM-Laser
- Dog88Christian
- WolfyModz
- ModsForKidz
- Disturbed2012
- DeceptionCFW
- BlazedHoster
- ImEquiped
- BananaIsTheKing
- Pre Cummer
- AziouxHD
- BATMANx863
- Lavecy
- xTurntUpLobbies
- TheHulksUncle
- omuyasha
- ZackFairFF7X
- Asshole
- samoel
- xxwsxx
- EskimoDex
- Anixil
- ImxJayy
- BrevzHoster
- xXGhOSTfAcE72Xx
- MoanForMoDz
This is what you have to do!

1) Copy all the ".edat" files in a folder of your USB device and connect it to ps3
2) Go to MultiMAN, then enter to file manager mode ( start + select ) and navigate in :
dev_hdd0/home/0000000X , then create a folder called " psn_avatar " and past there the files
3) Access to PSN, go to account management and enjoy your new Avatars!


You can watch this video , just incase if you don't understand.
Nice Man add my PSN xSuperAimbot
any tips on how to access my account managment again? im on rebug 4.81 and spoofing the latest psn version with senenable and psninja.
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