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151 PSN Premium Avatars Fixed!


Soldier 1st Class
Active Member
Hey guys! Sooo I found some premium avatars online, I fixed them and they all work!!
Here is the link for the .rar : http://www.mediafire.com/download/f6ky1gyfsb0k618/AVATARS.rar

This is what you have to do!

1) Copy all the ".edat" files in a folder of your USB device and connect it to ps3
2) Go to MultiMAN, then enter to file manager mode ( start + select ) and navigate in :
dev_hdd0/home/0000000X , then create a folder called " psn_avatar " and past there the files
3) Access to PSN, go to account management and enjoy your new Avatars!

Do this at your own risk! I'm not responsible for ban, problems with account, thermonuclear war or something like that. You should be safe but as we know Sony is unpredictable .. I'm using these by long time and I'm safe, they are just some avatars :D , if you want you can test it before on a 2nd account!!

Leaving a like is appreciated! :p

Expand this project! How?
If you have bought some premium avatars, you can get your .edat and .rif files from MultiMAN file manager mode. Edats are always in " psn_avatar " and rifs are in " exdata ". Then you have to convert your rif to rap, send me the files and I'll provide to fix the edat!
If you don't know how to do this, tell me, I'll write a tutorial!

Thanks to zRTM_MoDz- for the 4 avatars of Beyond : Two Souls :)

V5 is out!
http://www.mediafire.com/download/d339bdsa4ncmtg0/AVATARS Pack V5.rar
Thanks to RiftenModz and others! :)
All the credits from V1 to V5 are in readme.txt
Hey guys! Sooo I found some premium avatars online, I fixed them and they all work!!
Here is the link for the .rar : http://www.mediafire.com/download/f6ky1gyfsb0k618/AVATARS.rar

This is what you have to do!

1) Copy all the ".edat" files in a folder of your USB device and connect it to ps3
2) Go to MultiMAN, then enter to file manager mode ( start + select ) and navigate in :
dev_hdd0/home/0000000X , then create a folder called " psn_avatar " and past there the files
3) Access to PSN, go to account management and enjoy your new Avatars!

Do this at your own risk! I'm not responsible for ban, problems with account, thermonuclear war or something like that. You should be safe but as we know Sony is unpredictable .. I'm using these by long time and I'm safe, they are just some avatars :D , if you want you can test it before on a 2nd account!!

Leaving a like is appreciated! :p

Expand this project! How?
If you have bought some premium avatars, you can get your .edat and .rif files from MultiMAN file manager mode. Edats are always in " psn_avatar " and rifs are in " exdata ". Then you have to convert your rif to rap, send me the files and I'll provide to fix the edat!
If you don't know how to do this, tell me, I'll write a tutorial!

Thanks to zRTM_MoDz- for the 4 avatars of Beyond : Two Souls :)
Wow This is amazing. Didnt even no this was possible :)
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