A massive release for the PS4 Modding scene has just been released by developer Specter, the first fully implemented 4.55 kernel exploit for the PS4. The release uses bpf kernel exploit discovered by qwertyoruiopz not to long ago so to say a full exploit has been released is just great news. Specter has said that the exploit allows arbitrary code to run and the ability to make kernel level modifications but Specter has said that any code used to get around piracy on the PS4 has not been added so it will probably come in the near-future.
With the exploit being released it now opens up a path for developers to create their own jailbreak for the PS4 but in my own opinion I think this was done a long time ago. The patches that Specter has added are as follows;
Specter has stated that any patches from 4.05 could depend on the port being used and if it was coded from kernel offsets. He has also made the exploit a one time thing so you only need to run the exploit once on your PS4 and then another patches you want to add can be done via payloads. With the custom system call being added it enables kernel patching and the ability to create a jailbreak in the foreseeable future however I think this has already been done behind closed doors.
To run the exploit just go to this website on your PS4 web browser and run the exploit, make sure you are on 4.55 and that you only need to run the exploit once. Massive thanks to all the developers currently working on the PS4 scene, I wonder if the Xbox scene is even active as there isn't much heard about that side anymore. Let me know down in the comments about your opinion on the exploit and if you are going to be using this
4.55 Exploit
Any other devs that have contributed to the PS4 Scene!!