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Account Generator [Tutorial]

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Hi CC,

Some people asked me how I did this... so here we go!

My Source: Dropbox - Account Generator.rar
(No EXE file)
Virus Scan: http://******/HaoWaZ
PHP File: Dropbox - gen.php (Has to be uploaded to a website, PHP files do not execute in local browsers.)

Step-by-step Instructions:

Download the PHP file above.

Add the accounts you want (example: $input = array("example:123", "email:password", "des:k", "josh:420", "ngu:21");)

Now open FileZilla and connect to your website. If you do not have a website, I suggest that you use this free hosting site. And obviously upload the PHP file.

Now open up Visual Studio and Create New Project>C#>Windows Form Application and then name it to whatever you want (i.e: Account Generator)

Add the following controls from your toolbox:
  • 1 TextBox
  • 1 Button
Set the button text to "Download Account" or something similar.

Now, scroll all the way to the top in your code (

and add the code:
using System.Net;

Now under the button1_click event, add this code:
WebClient download = new WebClient();
            string account = download.DownloadString("http://yourwebsite.com/junk/twitter.php");
            deimosTextbox1.Text = account;

Now you should be good to go. If not then please look at the source included at the top of this thread.

Thanks CC, I hope this helped some people.

Bai XD
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