PS3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Battlefield 4 OFFSETS [1.20]

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Aug 3, 2022
Battlefield 4 Offsets
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what am i doing worng? i took the original bf4 eboot file, decrypted it and opened the elf file in hxd. i searched for the player wallhack offset (C5DBE8) and patched it with that 40 82 thing (sry im new to that stuff and dont know the specific names). after that i saved the elf file, resigned it as a eboot again and pasted it via multiman in the "/dev_hdd0/game/BLES01832/USRDIR" folder. i started bf4 and boom, ps3 froze. so what the hell am i doing wrong??
edit: i think i got it now, actually didnt changed a thing but for some reason everything is working now. BUT does anyone have an idea what i have to change in the "playergaertag" hex code to remain the normal enemy/teammates color (red and yellow) and not that purple and magenta one.
Last edited:


Jun 3, 2021
----------------------------------------------- -------------
C5DBE8 40 82 Player wall hacks
7022F4 60 00 00 00 vec wallhacks
29C708 2C 03 00 01 player gamertag
29C790 41 82 00 10 playergamertag
1CDC78 63 E3 00 00 player gamertag
7A2A9E 44 7A 1 golpear matar
69CE58 38 60 00 D4 Distancia máxima
69CCE0 89 26 01 16 Disparo perfecto
2F1DC6 00 00 Sin retroceso
2F2D4E 2C 03 00 01 Punto de mira
C26BD8 00 00 Aliento de francotirador
E1F58 98 83 00 38 Desbloquee todos
2E3A48 38 60 00 68
Superjump 2e3ad0 38 60 00 68 Superjump 2E3BB0
38 60 00 68
Superjump 3D956C 88 7B 30 E8 AIMSHOT
2E3A50 7C 43 21 0E
01 tiro en la cabeza aimbot

----------------------------------------------- ---------------
disfruta de la modificación:)
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