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Black ops 2 unban?


Active Poster
Active Member
Hello, is there any way to unban black ops 2 on a 4.50 ita dex ps3? I currently go console ban from it
i had the same Problem oke what you need to do is:

1. Download Sen Enabler [With this Program you can change your mac adress and Change The TagetID]
2. Make a new account.
3.you need a USB or a External HDD it shout formatet to Fat32 intro the usb you need to make a new Text file Name the Text file 'MAC' inside The Text file you need to Copy that inside it :

# #
# SEN Enabler patch file #
# #

MAC: 000000000000

4. go to your ps3 to OPTIONS/System-Options/Systeminformation There you can See your MAC-Adress Than Copy your mac adress From the Ps3 intro the MAC Folder in your USB it should looks like that

# #
# SEN Enabler patch file #
# #

MAC: 123456789100
<--- YOUR MAC From the ps3

5. in the Text folder you need to Change The last 2 numbers from the mac on your Ps3 so you do like That

# #
# SEN Enabler patch file #
# #

MAC: 123456789199
<--- i chang it to 99 you can do what you want

6. so we are done with the Text Folder new put it intro your USB stick new put the USB stick in your ps3 on the Right side.

7. Open SEN Enabler on your ps3 oh and if you cant start it iam on CEX cuz i cant open it on DEX...

8. if the Program opens you see some Options you only need Change mac and Change TargetID.

9. First of you need to Press O To change your mac it shout Reboot new go to OPTIONS/System-Options/Systeminformation and your IP shout Changed
if not you have done something wrong or if you cant Go online or Connect to the Internet you need to change the mac intro your USB stick BUT ONLY THE LAST 2 Numbers !!

10. if all right and you can connect open SEN Enabler again and Press L3 To Change your TargetID you cant do anyfing Wrong there :D

11. so you shout can play Bo2 Online you need to do that Every time you turn off your Ps3 if you want To play Bo2.

12. if you want wo RTM you need your new ps3 IP every time you change your mac you have a other IP.

I hope i Helped Sry For my Bad english :)
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