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Black Ops 3 -How To Set Rank/Prestige- With Control Console 2.60(CCAPI)


C# / VB.NET Coder
Okay Here is Correct Way/Fix on how to set your Rank and Prestige on Black Ops 3
1st. Start black Ops 3 and be on the Page "Screen" that you can (Find Match, Create Class, and etc)
2nd. Open Control Console on your PC Connect to your PS3 Then go to "Memory" Tab
3rd. Click Retrieve list then click on /dev_hdd0/game/NPEB02266/USRDIR/EBOOT.BIN
4th. Type one of these two offsets inside of the Offsets textbox (Prestige Offset = 0x38907E38) and (Rank Offset = 0x38907E58)
5th. Click on the dropbox under size and select -->dword(32b)<--
6th. Type whatever rank / prestige you want inside the Input textbox and click POKE BUTTON

Originally Posted by star2000

Release Check Mode > Development Mode
Boot Mode > System Software Mode
Network Settings for Debug > Single Setting

Just posting real quick to comfirm to everyone since the other post said Default_mp.self
credits UnboundGodz for -->Offsets<--
Last edited:
Okay Here is Correct Way/Fix on how to set your Rank and Prestige on Black Ops 3
1st. Start black Ops 3 and be on the Page "Screen" that you can (Find Match, Create Class, and etc)

2nd. Open Control Console on your PC go to "Memory" Tab
3rd. Click Retrieve list then click on /dev_hdd0/game/NPEB02266/USRDIR/EBOOT.BIN
4th. Type one of these ("Prestige: 0x38907E38" "Rank: 0x38907E58" ) inside of the offset text box
5th. Click on the dropbox under size and select -->dword(32b)<--
6th. whatever rank / prestige you want in the Input textbox

Just posting real quick to comfirm to everyone since the other post said Default_mp.self
credits UnboundGodz for -->Offsets<--
Be warned for some reason the Rank Input isnt properly setting what you want. Say rank "33" it might do "26" However it will do rank "55" no problem!!
You cant just type the rank... You have to get the hexdecimal value...

And wouldnt a dword be Unnessescary for just a rank? The length of a DWORD(double word) is more than u really need isnt rank just 2 bytes?
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