I'm unsure why there are false positives in the non-packaged scan, i assure you that there is no malware in this program.
The packaged download and scan has all the DLLs packaged with exe file. This program is being released without Zombies features added. There are also a few current features that are disabled due to not being coded into this release. To people wanting the offsets from this, there are plenty posted around the internet but i will update this thread with them later down the line possibly the next update which will be soon.
If there are any bugs please let me know, ive tested this on BLUS/REBUG 4.75.3 D-REX!
Virus Scan Before Packing
2 False Positives:
Virus Scan After Packing
3 False Positives:
NOTE: There are no viruses in this program, im unsure at this time why these false positives were picked up. Im hoping they will be gone for the first update to this program...