PS3 Bo1 1.13 Function + Addresses

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Retired Staff
Active Member
Dec 6, 2013
Here Are some black ops 1 functions, Hope you enjoy please give credit if use, thanks

BOI 1.13 Function & Address -
0x003E95F0 - sv_gamesendservercommand(int clientNum, svscmd_type type, const char *text)
0x00370638 - G_LocalizedStringIndex(const char *string)
0x004C4FF0 - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName)
0x00399CC8 - CBUF_AddText(int localClientNum, const char *text)
0x003F62A8 - Sv_SendClientSnapshot(client_s *client)
0x002D85E0 - Player_Die(unsigned int *self, unsigned int *inflictor, unsigned int *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath, int iWeapon, const float *vDir, unsigned int hitLoc, int psTimeOffset)
0x0007B720 - BG_GetPerkIndexForName(char *perkName)
0x00377208 - G_GivePlayerWeapon(playerState_s *pPS, int iWeaponIndex, char altModelIndex)
0x002D2D98 - G_InitializeAmmo(gentity_s *pSelf, int weaponIndex, char weaponModel, int hadWeapon)
0x00356BE0 - G_CallSpawnEntity(gentity_s *ent)
0x0036FFA0 - G_ModelIndex(const char *name)
0x00370238 - HudElem_Alloc(int clientNum, int teamNum)
0x003DFD90 - Sv_KickClient(client_s *cl, char *playerName, int maxPlayerNameLen)
0x003376C8 - SP_script_model(gentity_s *pSelf)
0x012ab290 - g_entity
0x003705D0 - G_MaterialIndex(const char *name)
0x003701D8 - G_SetModel(gentity_s *ent, const char *modelName)
0x00373488 - G_Spawn(void)
0x011F2738 - G_Hudelem
0x00375548 - G_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name)
0x0037FE50 - G_SpawnTurret(gentity_s *self, const char *weaponinfoname)
0x003EED08 - Sv_AddServerCommand
0x003E5200 - Sv_SendClientGameState(Client_s *)
0x002D4BA0 - G_Say(gentity_s *ent, gentity_s *target, int mode, const char *chatText)
0x002CA520 - PlayerCmd_SayAll
0x002CA608 - PlayerCmd_SayTeam
0x003E0848 - Sv_FastRestart_f
0x003E0660 - Sv_Maprestart(int fast_restart)
0x003E7528 - Sv_Addtestclient(void)
0x00310470 - GScr_AddTestClient
0x003E47B8 - SV_ClientCommand(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)
0x003E1B60 - SV_ExecuteClientCommand(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK)
0x0039B6C0 - SV_Cmd_TokenizeString(const char *text_in)
0x002D6140 - ClientCommand(int clientNum)
0x003996E8 - SV_Cmd_EndTokenizedString(void)
0x000C0A98 - BG_GetWeaponDef(unsigned int weaponIndex)
0x00356DF0 - G_Callspawn
0x00357500 - G_SpawnEntitiesFromString(void)
0x003EAD98 - SV_SetConfigstring(int index, const char *val)
0x005CF9B0 - Scr_GetVector(unsigned int index, float *vectorValue)

0x00304BA0 - G_LocalizedStringIndex(const char *string)
0x00304B38 - G_MaterialIndex(const char *name)
0x00452280 - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName)
0x003C33A8 - SV_GameSendServerCommand(int clientNum, svscmd_type type, const char *text)
0x00395BA8 - CBUF_AddText(int localClientNum, const char *text)
0x00309E30 - G_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name)
0x00305940 - SetModel(gentity_s *ent, const char *modelName)
0x00305650 - G_ModelIndex(const char *name)
0x00EE7BF2 - G_Hudelem
0x000A4968 - BG_GetWeaponDef(unsigned int weaponIndex)
0x002FD098 - G_Callspawn
0x002FD9C8 - G_SpawnEntitiesFromString(void)
0x00073A88 - BG_GetPerkIndexForName(const char *perkName)
0x004BE508 - SV_ExecuteClientCommand(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK)
0x003066E0 - G_Spawn(void)
0x002DDFF8 - SP_script_model(gentity_s *pSelf)

Credit : SC58
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