BO2 Independence V1 GSC Menu - Looking For Help

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Jul 14, 2014
United States of America
Hello guys, I am in the process of making a huge BO2 GSC Menu. It's called Independence because I was supposed to release on July 4th (America's Independence Day) but anyways, I have on sub menu done already with the base all set. Just need help with adding options. I simply don't have time to do all this myself, so if you want to help me out, pm me and we can get started.


Somewhat experienced on coding
Actually willing to stay active



New Member
Jan 25, 2018
Hello guys, I am in the process of making a huge BO2 GSC Menu. It's called Independence because I was supposed to release on July 4th (America's Independence Day) but anyways, I have on sub menu done already with the base all set. Just need help with adding options. I simply don't have time to do all this myself, so if you want to help me out, pm me and we can get started.


Somewhat experienced on coding
Actually willing to stay active
hey im here to help u
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