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Bypass 64 limit


Active Poster
Active Member
Hello people :D

I was wondering if there was way too Bypass the 64 account limit on your ps3.

Any reply would be awesome :D
User index size is tied to core, u would have to decompile/recompile a lot. U can swap/backup/restore account folders having the same local seed, giving u "unlimited" users (just not loaded at once). Anyway u are allowed to use unlimited sen accounts on the same local user, u just have to overwrite user/pass ^^#
User index size is tied to core, u would have to decompile/recompile a lot. U can swap/backup/restore account folders having the same local seed, giving u "unlimited" users (just not loaded at once). Anyway u are allowed to use unlimited sen accounts on the same local user, u just have to overwrite user/pass ^^#
damn my brain hurts now lol
Anyway i think the only part u missed was the local seed, that means when u make a new local user, it gets assigned a random key and that key is written into database and used to hash some user files. So u can make a local user, tie it with an online account and backup the /home/[user]/ folder. Then tie to another online account and backup again. As long as u dont mix local user backups or delete the user and its random key u can swap online accounts easy and fast. U can even exploit ftp and use scripts to make the work. I hope u get the picture now.
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what CFW u have?
Right now i have 2 alive ps3s, they come and go often. My old one usually just dont play but crunch and compile using rebug+otheros+debian (cell+rsx compute like heaven if u increase virtual ram by using an ssd to swap). The other right now has ZERO 4.55 V1.0 CEX, trying to help me understand all changes sony made on the syscalls table, while still having a teensy2.0++ soldered to testpoints. Cobra stuff is something i dont really need or use, so later ill rewrite the 4.50 habib it had with another hdd along Arkham Orgins and Resident Evil 6. Thats my shit ^^
Didnt mean to bump a thread but can't you change your console id to a fake one or something and you can bypass the 64 limit
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