C# Bo2 Offsets/Codes List (Mixed and Edited)

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Active Poster
Retired Staff
Active Member
Console ID Poster
Dec 19, 2014
Set Clantag:
this.SetClan(0x2708238, textBox6.Text);
  byte[] TAGname = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(textBox1.Text);
  Array.Resize(ref TAGname, TAGname.Length + 1);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17864D8, TAGname);

Set Clantag Button
this.SetClan(0x2708238, "Dex!");

Set Clantag code:
private void SetClan(uint offset, string input)
  PS3.SetMemory(offset, new byte[6]);
  if (input.Length == 1)
  this.CombSetClan = this.Combine(new byte[7], Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input).Reverse<byte>().ToArray<byte>()).Reverse<byte>().ToArray<byte>();
  else if (input.Length == 2)
  this.CombSetClan = this.Combine(new byte[6], Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input).Reverse<byte>().ToArray<byte>()).Reverse<byte>().ToArray<byte>();
  else if (input.Length == 3)
  this.CombSetClan = this.Combine(new byte[5], Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input).Reverse<byte>().ToArray<byte>()).Reverse<byte>().ToArray<byte>();
  else if (input.Length == 4)
  this.CombSetClan = this.Combine(new byte[4], Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input).Reverse<byte>().ToArray<byte>()).Reverse<byte>().ToArray<byte>();
  if (input.Length > 0)
  PS3.SetMemory(offset, BitConverter.GetBytes((ulong)(BitConverter.ToUInt64(this.CombSetClan, 0) * ((ulong)0x40L))));

All Clients Godmode:
PS3.SetMemory(0x1780F28 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786730 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178BF38 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1791740 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1796F48 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179C750 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A1F58 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A7760 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17ACF68 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B2770 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B7F78 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17BD780 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C2F88 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C8790 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17CDF98 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D37A0 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D8FA8 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x05 });
RPC.iPrintln(0, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(1, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(2, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(3, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(4, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(5, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(6, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(7, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(8, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(9, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(10, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(11, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(12, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(13, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(14, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(15, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(16, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(17, "Godmode: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(18, "Godmode: ^2ON");

PS3.SetMemory(0x1780F28 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786730 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178BF38 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1791740 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1796F48 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179C750 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A1F58 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A7760 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17ACF68 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B2770 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B7F78 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17BD780 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C2F88 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C8790 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17CDF98 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D37A0 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D8FA8 + 0x1B, new byte[] { 0x08 });

All Clients Unlimited Ammo:
RPC.iPrintln(0, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(1, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(2, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(3, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(4, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(5, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(6, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(7, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(8, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(9, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(10, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(11, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(12, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(13, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(14, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(15, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(16, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(17, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");
  RPC.iPrintln(18, "Unlimited Ammo: ^2ON");

PS3.SetMemory(0x1781365, new byte[] { 0xFF }); //Unlimited Ammo Primary
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786B6D, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178C375, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1791B7D, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1797385, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179CB8D, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A2395, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A7B9D, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17AD3A5, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B2BAD, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B83B5, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17BDBBD, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C33C5, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C8BCD, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17CE3D5, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D3BDD, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D93E5, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17DEBED, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  //PS3.SetMemory(0x1781319, new byte[] { 0xFF }); Unlimited 1st Scorestreak
  PS3.SetMemory(0x0178138d, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x01781361, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786B69, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178C371, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1791B79, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1797381, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179CB89, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A2391, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A7B99, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17AD3A1, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B2BA9, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B83B1, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17BDBB9, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C33C1, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C8BC9, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17CE3D1, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D3BD9, new byte[] { 0xFF });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D93E1, new byte[] { 0xFF });

PS3.SetMemory(0x1781365, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }); //Unlimited Ammo Primary
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786B6D, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178C375, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1791B7D, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1797385, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179CB8D, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A2395, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A7B9D, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17AD3A5, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B2BAD, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B83B5, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17BDBBD, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C33C5, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C8BCD, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17CE3D5, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D3BDD, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D93E5, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17DEBED, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  //PS3.SetMemory(0x1781319, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }); Unlimited 1st Scorestreak
  PS3.SetMemory(0x0178138d, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x01781361, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786B69, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178C371, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1791B79, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1797381, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179CB89, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A2391, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17A7B99, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17AD3A1, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B2BA9, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17B83B1, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17BDBB9, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C33C1, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17C8BC9, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17CE3D1, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D3BD9, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17D93E1, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 });

Unlimited Game:
  if (metroToggle12.Checked == true)
  Codes1.cbuf_addtext("scr_ctf_timelimit 0");
  Codes1.cbuf_addtext("gametype_setting scorelimit 0");
  Codes1.cbuf_addtext("gametype_setting playerNumlives 0");
  if (metroToggle12.Checked == false)
  Codes1.cbuf_addtext("gametype_setting timelimit 0");
  Codes1.cbuf_addtext("gametype_setting scorelimit 0");
  Codes1.cbuf_addtext("gametype_setting playerNumlives 0");


Change Map Name:
Codes1.cbuf_addtext("ui_mapname ^5Testing..."); //map name

Fake Derank All Clients:
RPC.iPrintlnBold(0, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(1, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(2, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(3, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(4, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(5, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(6, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(7, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(8, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(9, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(10, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(11, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(12, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(13, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(14, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(15, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(16, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(17, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(18, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(0x10, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
  RPC.iPrintlnBold(0x11, "You Have Been ^1Deranked!");
byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786497, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786497, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786493, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1786493, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178bc9f, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178bc9f, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178bc9b, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x178bc9b, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17914a7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17914a7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17914a3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17914a3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1796caf, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1796caf, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1796cab, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x1796cab, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179c4b7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179c4b7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179c4b3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x179c4b3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17a1cbf, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17a1cbf, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17a1cbb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17a1cbb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17a74c7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17a74c7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17a74c3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17a74c3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17acccf, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17acccf, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17acccb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17acccb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17b24d7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17b24d7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17b24d3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17b24d3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17b7cdf, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17b7cdf, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17b7cdb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17b7cdb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17bd4e7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17bd4e7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17bd4e3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17bd4e3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c2cef, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c2cef, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c2ceb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c2ceb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c84f7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c84f7, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c2ceb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c84f3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17cdcff, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17cdcff, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c84f3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17c84f3, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17d3507, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17d3507, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17cdcfb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17cdcfb, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17d8d0f, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17d8d0f, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17d3503, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17d3503, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17de517, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17de517, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17d8d0b, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17d8d0b, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17e3d1f, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17e3d1f, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17de513, buffer);
  PS3.SetMemory(0x17de513, buffer);

Player Lobby Lag/No Movement FIX:
//Also you can leave the game and come back as the lag is an infection
Codes1.cbuf_addtext("reset g_speed");

Credits: xDuddleDo and Whoever
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Reactions: King of modz
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  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    the best thing to do is message younis for things like that we super mod cant do that
  • @ danielpadilla1999:
    Alright. Could you let him know to do it, please?
  • @ danielpadilla1999:
    You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    ok i will send younis message in your name not sure if he will do things like that just letting you know
  • @ danielpadilla1999:
    Thank you very much mate
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
  • @ QM|T_JinX:
    can i ask you why you want the account deleted or rest ? you can just not log in anymore and be done with it right ?
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    zap zap ill smoke to that
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    1+ hour the new reveal trailer assassins creed shadows
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