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Call of Duty Ghosts God Mode Classes Tutorial!


Hello everyone! Whoever wants to know how to give godmode classes in ghosts, here it is.

#1If you have the 1.05 update installed, delete it.
#2Install the 1.04 update.
#3Go into filezilla, get the USRDIR and TROPHY folders and paste them onto your desktop.
#4Install the 1.05 update
#5Go back into filezilla, paste the copied USRDIR and TROPHY folders into the 1.05 USRDIR and TROPHY folders.
#6Download a 1.04 EBOOT.BIN and replace it with the 1.05 update EBOOT.BIN


Downloads: Ghosts Tool: http://www.mediafire.com/download/jx3rdrmu4cjyv2m/Gmod class Stefan Release Gozzor GOOD WORK !!!.exe

Virus scan: https://www.virustotal.com/de/file/...4a3ec49063ed101a9b57b9722235f89547a/analysis/

(ps3mapi_net.dll) http://www.mediafire.com/download/44yu44a1xdltg1l/ps3tmapi_net.dll

(XRPC.dll) http://www.mediafire.com/download/o21tp26a361jyxs/XRPC.dll

(DevComponents.DotNetBar2.dll) http://www.mediafire.com/download/nkuhifhi1qiw131/DevComponents.DotNetBar2.dll

Credits : GozZOR (Tool)
sIcKnEs (Downloads)
RegardModz (Written Tutorial)
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Yeah easy to go dex but most of the programs dont works on windows xp ;) thats why some people maybe staying on CEX like me.

Make tools for windows xp conpartible and i think there will be lot more dex players
Im on windows and 99% of the rtm tools i try work.???
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