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CFW CEX CCAPI Debugger 2.1: Take a Remote Peek Inside Your PS3's Memory
You'll have to excuse the fact that I don't go into too much detail, because I don't know that much about the hardcore side of PS3 development. Regardless, this CCAPI app by MaDetho is designed for CEX users to see what's happening in real-time with their PS3's memory. With such a task accomplished, developers can make sure their homebrews are allocating system resources in an efficient manner. For those that make the apps we love, a program like this can be a real life saver. Check out the complete changelog below for all the details!
Version 2.1
Download: CCAPI Debugger v2.1

You'll have to excuse the fact that I don't go into too much detail, because I don't know that much about the hardcore side of PS3 development. Regardless, this CCAPI app by MaDetho is designed for CEX users to see what's happening in real-time with their PS3's memory. With such a task accomplished, developers can make sure their homebrews are allocating system resources in an efficient manner. For those that make the apps we love, a program like this can be a real life saver. Check out the complete changelog below for all the details!

- Connection via CCAPI(CEX) and TMAPI(DEX - Not tested).
- Set/Get offset value (1 byte, 2 bytes, 4 bytes and text).
- Debugging: Show current PS3 memory, starting at a specific address.
- Auto update PS3 Memory in a specified interval time (Changes will be shown red in Hex).
- Search for a value (Hex or Dec) in a specific range of memory. Results will be shown in a table. Refresh searched results to get current values of memory.
- Search in Result for specific changes like ammo changing from 345 to 344.
- Single click on result: Offset and current value will be shown in Offset Box to edit. Double click: Same as single click + PS3 memory at clicked offset will be shown.
- Dump memory: Dumps PS3 Memory in specific range to a binary file.
- Find Offset ranges for your game.
- CTRL + D - Dump memory
- F6 - Reload debug PS3 memory
- F5 - Refresh search results
Version 2.1
- Optimized the layout for people with lower resolutions.
- Finding game ranges (Credits to Dnawrkshp).
- Search in Result performance update (For 53,000 results: Old algorithm = 9:48 mins / New algorithm = 39 secs!).
- Added time counter for Search/Refresh
- Added search features.
- Added a dump feature.
- Added shortcuts.
- When a byte is clicked in hex view, it will automatically set the offset + byte to the inputs and focus on them, so it’s very close to live editing.
- Thanks ccarlsen for the design.
- Initial release.
- ccarlsen Design Concept and Thread
- byDaan for testing
- Enstone CCAPI
- iMCSx PS3Lib
- Dnawrkshp NetCheat idea
Download: CCAPI Debugger v2.1

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