I know we are a-bit into 2015 but I thought it would be nice to look at what happened in 2014. This site growth took a big leap in 2014 and gained a massive 13,000-15,000 members since march 2014. We currently only had 8,000 members in march. If we keep the activity up on this site hopefully we will have twice as much members by next year.
Staff Changes
Chris started off as a quiet members, He started to pick up his game and started posting news, Instantly his work got promoted to homepage because of how quality his work was. Crunch, decided to promote him as a news writer along side myself and we worked well at writing news, Chris kept producing more and more outstanding work that a couple months later he got promoted to Super Moderator, It was well deserved. AKA @Shiro Inu✿
RTM, also known as @ItzEphdel started the same time as me last year and he instantly became a well known with all of the threads and post's he had made, Over time He gained a good reputation and was promoted to Shoutbox Moderator. At first he liked being a Shoutbox Moderator but after some while he wanted to become a super, He still produced great work, He still was patient and one day he got Promoted.
Sadly we lost 2 Staff members last years. One was demoted for poor behaviour and was retired, I am not going to go into to much on that.
Here are some of the best contributions madeson the site.
Grand Theft Auto Original/Modded/debug/eboots
Ps3 Devs Mega Firmware thread
How to Protext yourself from cid stealers
RPC DLL for all updates
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