Banned Console ID #118

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Oct 13, 2013
Credit arkelz


Nov 21, 2013
it get's banned really really fast.
1 minute

everybody, try PSNpatch 1.05 to change id and DISABLE cfw syscalls (emulates official firmware), Deletes game launch history (deletes the records of the last games used);


This is a small app made by KW and inspired in the works of stoker25 (psidpatch) and user (psnope).

The major objective is to spoof the console Id and disable cfw syscalls extensions in order to make your system more "safe" to go into the psn.
(Note that MORE safe doesn't mean IT IS safe !).
Additionally, you can also install RAPs and EDATs and unlock psn game demos.
Starting from psidpatch simple interface with the functionalities of psnope.
New algorithms specially made for CFW disable and valid user account search.

There is also an alternative stealth version disguised as BLJS10018 (NBA2K8 japanese version).
The stealth version and BLJS10018 cannot be installed at the same time !

= Major Functions:

- Spoof IDPS (console ID) [*];
- Spoof PSID [*];
- Disable cfw syscalls (emulates official firmware) [*]
- Deletes game launch history (deletes the records of the last games used);
- Install RAPs and EDATs.
- Unlock PSN (c00) game demos.
[*] these actions are temporary until next system reboot.

All functions are firmware version independent (4.XX and Cobra 7.0).


IF you want to be sure psnpatch works in your system:
- edit pasnpatch.cfg to define new idps and psid. Put it in the root of a usb stick and place it in the rightmost ps3 usb port.
- Run psnpatch keeping CROSS pressed until you ear 3 beeps or got back to XMB.
- If the system beeped, it means that the cfw disabling was successful.
- You can re-run psnpatch. It should give you an error complaining about cfw syscalls not found and it will display the current idps and psid values.
- You can also run Multiman, Irismanager or any other syscall-dependent homebrew: they will all complain about an unsupported firmware version ;)


Never execute any homebrew WHILE connected to the PSN !
And the safest way to keep being banned is to be offline !!!
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