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Banned Console ID #3860

This is to all the GTA modders out there- I am stuck on Lamar's first tutorial race. I can load up online just fine, created my character, etc. But after the cut scene with Lamar driving me through town, I get to the first race and have a constant "waiting for players" I have been unable to get passed this, I'm sure everything will work just fine IF I could just get passed this garbage tutorial. God, I hate Rockstar. Treats us like we've never played a game before. Anyone with an answer to this would be greatly appreciated.
This is to all the GTA modders out there- I am stuck on Lamar's first tutorial race. I can load up online just fine, created my character, etc. But after the cut scene with Lamar driving me through town, I get to the first race and have a constant "waiting for players" I have been unable to get passed this, I'm sure everything will work just fine IF I could just get passed this garbage tutorial. God, I hate Rockstar. Treats us like we've never played a game before. Anyone with an answer to this would be greatly appreciated.

that used to happen to me but when i downloaded a mod menu it went
To Dylan uninstall any mod menu u have go online complete it & reinstall that's how I fixed if that doesn't work then just get somebody to do it on ofw
Thanks for the reply from both of you. Hopefully this works, maybe in the next game Rockstar won't make such a stupid, pointless tutorial.
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