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Ay Homie Ain't None of us losers, Im not even gonna waste my time arguing witha ************ on the net. Just know you a real ***** homie.
AHAHAH retard buy a private cid or something and stop getting mad over people releasing cid's to u losers
y u gettin mad over people posting them and "retards" banning them
omfg im not getting mad over people posting them what i said was the amount of cids wasted on sites like this could of been enough to give every cfw user a private id learn to fucking read properly before you comment again you pagan
Actually on the other thread someone said "let's spread the love of free cids" or something along those lines and you replied with "NO the amount of... etc" cba to quote but you are in the wrong since you said "NO" which would imply that you don't want free cids posted. So kindly shut the **** up.
Actually on the other thread someone said "let's spread the love of free cids" or something along those lines and you replied with "NO the amount of... etc" cba to quote but you are in the wrong since you said "NO" which would imply that you don't want free cids posted. So kindly shut the **** up.
lol that was me:

"let's spread the love of free cids"
Actually on the other thread someone said "let's spread the love of free cids" or something along those lines and you replied with "NO the amount of... etc" cba to quote but you are in the wrong since you said "NO" which would imply that you don't want free cids posted. So kindly shut the **** up.
dont u start to i know what i said i said no to spread the love crap because retards just get it banned so please you kindly stfu
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