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Console ID's Discussion

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And how secure do you think using your original id with psn patch is?
CEX + CFW Habib 4.50 + multiman STEALTH + psnpatch, only bd dumps emulated with disc inside drive, no psn titles, no fake dlc licenses, no cheating at all, no proxy, no spoof. Yet to be banned on any of my private cids, even the original one. tmapi/ccapi is a nogo for stealth, both can be detected if installed even if u are not using them. All the dark stuff/scene research goes inside a different ps3 and a different account, wich i feed with public cids that i know will die anyway ^^
As a sidenote, i have to add text messages, chat roms and home interactions are logged by big bro, but not voice chats.
no idea as i use normal version with psn patch all good :cool:
After u install multiman, u run certain self executable using multiman file explorer so a copy of the multiman u installed integrates inside the operating system. After that, u uninstall the normal copy and its all set, stealthman even updates by its own. It gets invoked using "Install Package Files 2.0". U need a cfw supporting the stealth toolset, so far Habib seems the most stable choice for me. self is easy to find but i own a copy if interested, tought i would never run bytecode if i dont thrust the source ^^#
Ahm dont forget to login only while inside a game, log out before quitting the game. Most validations happen only while OS is inside XMB and has control over all the cores.
yo guys i think we might be getting more banned now cause m clan HFH just released a bops2 patch its sick and scrubs are going to be using it and geting us banned :( just saying!
that's bad if you know that you can not play that shit play that damn game .. and then the losers are the ones who did not play because we know what happens
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