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Custom Firmware PS3 Error Code 80710092 Fix

If you get this error code don't worry just follow along with these steps

1). Signout (you will probably already be cause that's the issue)

2). Try to open up webrowser if this works then follow the rest of the tut if not then im sorry

3). now if web browser worked then close it

4). go to network setting disable media connections servers

5). Turn off your ps3 leave it off for about 15 20 minutes

6). turn it back on open web browser if it opens close it and try and sign on

7). if it let you sign on head back over to network settings and enable media connection servers

8). if it did not let you sign on head over to network settings and ENABLE media connection servers

9). now try and sign on and it will work!

Hope I helped you guys who had a issue with this and yes I thought this was necessary cause I spent 5 hours trying to fix this!
What's up with this error ? Cuz I got it yesterday
IDK man I asked around I even called sony and they said it was a server error with their server and your internet and then they said they could helped walked me through some steps it didn't work so I kept trying different things and this way worked for a fix!
For me it's just, turn off console, turn on, sign in. It works and it's not complicated or time wasting. ;-) bud good post mate.
Works on both as far as I can tell. Had a phat model and now a slim. Don't ask about the phat. Truth is, don't lend a modded console a friend who doesn't know shit about it, or you're gonna have a bad time (or ofw back again). Slim still working with ita but the phat got perma bricked...
isnt it an error code for a dns error? or am i wrong? o.O
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