Customizable user profiles

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Feb 17, 2019
just a thought, I think it would be cool if we could customize our user profiles,
I mean color and let's say add a banner.
Let me know what the rest of you think. I am also keeping in mind that this site is mostly for gaming and technology related topics, but a bit of a customized user profile might make the admins or let's say anyone stand out in the Crowd just like the cool name effects.

Thanks for reading.
Ps. hope this is posted in the right spot
Apologies if not.


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Feb 3, 2018
Nowhere you've seen before.
Well that’s what premium is for so many would disagree, for the banner like the admin would be the only person to add it or it should be automated like the one we use now... this has no backative nor good source of information but sorry to say bro they’ll reject it


Feb 17, 2019
I understand. Just my opinion :) didn't know what kind of perks premiums get friend. So that's cool
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