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Disable Utorrent offers and Free Streaming 3.4.5 (build 41372) may work on others versions as well


Active Poster
Active Member
hello fellow cc members we all know these annoying ads

so the first thing we want to do is go to preferences then go to the advanced tab


inside the filter type offers.
change offers.404_dismiss = 1
change offers.featured_content_url = https://asdfasdfasdf
change offers.left_rail_offer_enabled = false
change offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled = false

inside filter type gui.show
change gui.show_plus_upsell = false

now hit ok

go to options and hover over preferences (don't click yet)
hold F2+shift+ click preferences. (must press keys in that order) now we are in the hidden advanced menu. (sometimes you have to click multiple times or let go of all the keys and repress them)

in filter type gui
change gui.show_gate_delete = false
change gui.show_gate_explaination = false
change gui.show_gate_notify = false
change gui.show_plus_av_upsell = false
change gui.show_plus_conv_upsell = false
change gui.show_plus_upsell_nodes = false

in the filter type stitle
change stitle = nothing (i mean literally nothing)

in filter type offers
change offers.backup_left_rail_offer_enabled = false
change offers.upgrade_toolbar = false
change offers.backup_sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled = false

Enable Free Streaming must be set every 7 days

in the filter type streaming
change streaming_enabled = true
change streaming_trial_enabled = true
change offers.streamingtrial_start_time = 1449251774
(the value may be diffrent on your computer if it dosent work start your free streaming trial then go back to the value to see the right number)

the end result

Last edited:
hello fellow cc members we all know these annoying ads

so the first thing we want to do is go to preferences then go to the advanced tab


inside the filter type offers.
change offers.404_dismiss = 1
change offers.featured_content_url = https://asdfasdfasdf
change offers.left_rail_offer_enabled = false
change offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled = false

inside filter type gui.show
change gui.show_plus_upsell = false

now hit ok

go to options and hover over preferences (don't click yet)
hold F2+shift+ click preferences. (must press keys in that order) now we are in the hidden advanced menu. (sometimes you have to click multiple times or let go of all the keys and repress them)

in filter type gui
change gui.show_gate_delete = false
change gui.show_gate_explaination = false
change gui.show_gate_notify = false
change gui.show_plus_av_upsell = false
change gui.show_plus_conv_upsell = false
change gui.show_plus_upsell_nodes = false

in the filter type stitle
change stitle = nothing (i mean literally nothing)

in filter type offers
change offers.backup_left_rail_offer_enabled = false
change offers.upgrade_toolbar = false
change offers.backup_sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled = false

Enable Free Streaming must be set every 7 days

in the filter type streaming
change streaming_enabled = true
change streaming_trial_enabled = true
change offers.streamingtrial_start_time = 1449251774
(the value may be diffrent on your computer if it dosent work start your free streaming trial then go back to the value to see the right number)

the end result

I can verify this works on other build I've been doing this since 2013
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