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Disney+ v2.15.3 rc5 [MOD]


Active Poster
Active Member
(24.12.2022) - (From apkmody.io)

I bring to you my Last APK Hack for a while. Disney++ MOD NEW and OLD (Tested and Working)

Movies and TV Shows Working and Tested. (TV Casting TESTED AND WORKING!!)

What more can be said. Test it for yourself;)
(Both APK's work and tested)

Disney_v2.15.3_rc5 MOD (NEW) -Dec.24.2022

Disney_v2.3.2_rc1 MOD (OLD) -Summer.2022




-APK Tested and Scanned with Kaspersky anti-virus. file is safe and clean
Last edited:
(24.12.2022) - (From apkmody.io)

I bring to you my Last APK Hack for a while. Disney++ MOD NEW and OLD (Tested and Working)

Movies and TV Shows Working and Tested. (TV Casting NOT TESTED!!)

What more can be said. Test it for yourself;)
(Both APK's work and tested)

Disney_v2.15.3_rc5 MOD (NEW) -Dec.24.2022

Disney_v2.3.2_rc1 MOD (OLD) -Summer.2022




-APK Tested and Scanned with Kaspersky anti-virus. file is safe and clean
Can this be used on Android TV boxes such as Amazon fire?
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