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For People Having SPRX loading Problems


Guess who's back, back again
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I'm making this thread to help people that are having problems loading sprx.

So I've been having problems with SPRX for a long time and have tried many things to get it to work but I failed to do so and kept getting this error 'System Warning : busy loop detected'. Well, now I have found a fix after deleting a replacing files inside of the dev_hdd0 folder. The reason some people are having problems is because the files inside of 'dev_hdd0' have some sort of restrictions on them.

Anyways, let's begin the tutorial.

1. Go to either Rebug 4.70.1 – Cobra 7.1 CFW or Rebug 4.75.1 – Cobra 7.1 CFW and download it.

2. Once you're on Rebug 4.7X.1 – Cobra 7.1 CFW, Install Rebug Toolbox by following these steps:
  • Package Manager
  • Install Package Files
  • PS3™ System Storage
3. Open Rebug Toolbox and scroll to 'Selector' section and apply these settings:
  • System Mode: REBUG
  • XMB Operation Mode: Debug
  • Debug Menu Type: DEX
  • Toggle COBRA mode: Enabled
  • Toggle webMAN: Enabled
Then scroll other to 'System' and select 'Restart System'.

4. When you're back at the original XMB, go onto your laptop/PC and open FileZilla. FileZilla Download

5. Connect your PS3 to FileZilla by typing your PS3's ip address in the 'Host' section.

6. Open the file 'dev_hdd0' and copy the file 'tmp' and paste it onto the desktop of your laptop/PC.

7. Open the (modded .sprx and eboot.bin) folder on your laptop/PC that you will be using.

8. Then open the 'dev_hdd0' folder on FileZilla and go to 'Game/Your Region/USRDIR' and paste the (modded eboot.bin) into the folder replacing the (normal eboot.bin).

9. Now open the 'tmp' file that is on your desktop and paste your '.sprx' file into it.

10. Once you have done that, copy and paste the 'tmp' folder back into the 'dev_hdd0' folder on FileZilla then you're done! Start the game then your .sprx problems will be fixed! :)

Any problems, please let me know. Thanks. :)

Credits: ShutTheCrunchUp
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Dude. Don't call me Mass.
Hes coming after you. :fa: :stare:
You think this is a joke, huh? WELL?
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