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Active Member
Oct 12, 2013
Hey,guys i been seeing a lot of posts EVERYWHERE on the web about banned PS3 accounts and consoles.

The purpose of this post is to clear some of this up for people who don't quite know how sony handles these types of things.

First off there are two types of bans they are: Temporary bans and Permanent bans. Temporary bans expire after a set amount of time, after this time the account or console that was banned may access PSN / Online play again. The other ban, however is more severe. A permanent ban is just what it's called PERMANENT. A Permanently banned PS3 console will NEVER be able to access PSN / Online service again. Also ALL of the accounts that were on the PS3 system will also be banned permanently.

"When you access and use the PlayStation®Network (PSN) you agree to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User Agreement. Users who violate the Terms of Service and User Agreement may have their PlayStation Network access restricted by having their SEN accounts and/or consoles (PlayStation 3, PSVita, PSP, PSPGo) suspended or banned." - sony.

Reasons for being banned can include any of the following:

These first two are usually what people are permanently banned for

Modified System Software
Offender has, or is using altered or unofficial system software. To make sure you have the latest system software, make sure your system is connected to the Internet and choose the "System Update" option under Settings.

Modified Hardware
Offender's system has been modified either physically or via software.

Other reasons for being banned: ( the list with details can be found here)

Reversal of Charges
Share/Hijack Account

Offensive Images or Audio

Exploiting a Game Glitch

Verbal/Text Abuse

Hate Speech

Your Personal Information

Another Person's Personal Information

Abuse of Grief Reporting Function

Impersonating Another User



Sexual Harassment

Account Scamming

Impersonating a SCEA Representative

Child Protection

Inappropriate Online ID

Team Killing

Cheat Codes

Voice Communication Blocking

Uploading Pornographic or Obscene Image

Community Standards Abuse


False Registration Information


Disrupting a Game.

Receiving error code 8002A227 "You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account." which means your account is Permanently banned.

Receiving error code 800A231 "Your Sony Entertainment Network account has been suspended." which means that your account is either Temporary banned

**Another popup you may receive upon trying to sign in with a banned console is "Access to the PlayStation®Network by this account has been banned or temporarily suspended." which means just what it says. You are either banned or suspended. But this message usually follows a permanent ban.

Sony will send an email to the accounts that were banned, detailing how long and for what reason(s)

Sonys' official article on this can be found here:

And before anyone asks, "how can I unban myself from psn?" or "does $ony unban people?"

Q: Can I unban myself?
A: Yes, but it is a long process, which I WILL NOT go over on here. (and it is possibly illegal) Google is your friend
A: Yes, there ways you can unban your self

Q: Does Sony unban people (accounts and consoles)?
A: NO. Sony will NEVER unban anyone who has been banned TRUST ME I TRY ALREDY.

My own experiences (from Downgrading and jailbreaking, to being banned from PSN )

If you have any other questions feel free to PM me
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Active Poster
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Nov 14, 2013
When I got console banned on my private id I only had access to it only banned the account I was on not all my accounts on the system.
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